♥ Rough Patch (Underfell!Papyrus x Sensitive!Reader) [Fluff] [Part 3]

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Word Count: 732

You sat in silence for a few moments. 

That couldn't have been easy for him to do, you thought sadly. 

You debated on going to apologize in return. However, you still felt guilty for what was said, so you didn't know if you could look him in the eye again.

A lone tear fell from your eye before you quickly got up.

Upon opening your door, to your surprise, Sans stood behind it. It looked as if he was about to knock.

"Oh... Hey, kiddo," he greeted in a low tone.

You averted your gaze, turning your attention to the floor. 

"I, uh, heard about what happened. Or rather, I heard all of it... Sounds like you guys had it rough."

"I'm sorry," you whispered, rubbing your arm.

"No, no need to apologize. It's alright. It's just... Pap feels bad, ya know? He might not look like it but he does. He just lets things get to his head sometimes. And he would tell you this himself but..." He turned around to look at his brother who was sat on the couch. 

"I don't think he can find it in his heart to look you in the eye right now."

You looked down at Papyrus. He looked sort of... sad. Though, it was hard to tell behind that constant stern look on his skull.

"And Pap also wanted me to tell you... don't tell him I mentioned his name or he'll kill me. But he loves ya. Sometimes he thinks it's below him to say all that mushy stuff, so don't be disappointed if he doesn't say it often."

You nodded. 

"Well, that was all. I, uh, hope you two figure it out..." He went downstairs, mentioning something about going to Grillby's.

Pondering Sans' words, you hesitantly went downstairs, just stopping once you got to the floor.

Papyrus didn't look at you; perhaps he was too ashamed to do so.

Timidly, you walked up and stood just an arm's distance away from him.

"Pa...," you started softly, fiddling with your hands, "Papyrus, c-can you look at me please?"

He hesitantly did so, every so often darting his eyelights around the room.

"I... forgive you."

His eye sockets widened. 

"I know I nag a lot. And that I sometimes let m-my emotions get the better of me. I sh-shouldn't have said those awful things about you. It was uncalled for. And I'm sorry..."

He stared at you blankly with his mouth was slightly agape.

Starting to get flustered, you went to leave the house. "I'm sorry, I have to-"

Before you could leave, though, Papyrus grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you back. 

You were suddenly really close to his face and you flushed red. "Uh! P... Papyrus..."

He interrupted you by smashing his fangs against your mouth.

The kiss was rough but sweet. Kind of like him, I guess, you thought.

Papyrus pulled away and gazed at you with a light blush on his cheekbones. "I... love you, human. And I forgive you."

Yes, he said the H-word again but with newfound compassion. You appreciated the effort and disregarded how forced his words sounded.

You paused before hugging him and burying your head in the crook of his neck. "I-I love you too..."

Papyrus looked away from you. "There was perhaps some level of truth to your words-"

"No! No, there wasn't, Papy. I was just upset-"

He put a finger to your lips. "Please... let me just say this. I know I can be... aggravating to be around. And that I often need to be put back in my place. It is only so I won't be as easily targeted. And so I can further protect both you and Sans."

It was all making sense now. 

Papyrus was the way he was not because he had no choice but because he didn't want to be seen as he was now... soft and vulnerable. His rough exterior was merely a protection for the three of you. There was even a chance that he didn't like acting so mean all the time.

"I see...," you replied and hugged him again. "I'm sorry, Papyrus."

He gave a low chuckle that reverberated through his ribs. "My love, you already apologized to me."

"I know but I still feel bad!"

"And what would make you feel better?"

You looked back up at him. "M-Maybe another kiss?"

He hummed contentedly. "That could be arranged~"

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now