♥ Work In Progress (Flowey x Reader) [Fluff] [Comedy]

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Word Count: 880

Warmth suddenly hit your face and you scrunched your nose. 

Steadily waking up, you quickly shut your eyes as the bright sunlight shone into them. You sat up and stretched after rubbing your face.

"It's about time," a familiar voice scolded from beside you.

You yawned and gave a small smile. "Good morning to you too, Flowey."

"I was beginning to think you were never waking up. You're almost as lazy as Smiley Trashbag."

You pointed at him. "First off, his name is Sans-"

"Ugh, whatever-"

"And second, I was exhausted, okay? I had a long day yesterday. I'm surprised you're not still sleeping."

"I... wasn't tired."

You stared at him in concern. "You weren't?"

"No, but don't start worrying about me or anything. I'm fine. Now let's get out of this stuffy room! My leaves are starting to get clammy."

You giggled. "Alright, alright, come on." You held your arm out to him as he wrapped himself around it.

Mornings at Toriel's house were never exciting, to say the least. Except when they were. But most of the time, your days started like this. All calm and peaceful.

Flowey wasn't bad company either. Sure, he was rude and a pain to be around sometimes but you enjoyed having him around. 

Since you started living on the surface, you noticed something change in Flowey. It wasn't obvious but you noticed it nonetheless. He was still brash but he seemed a bit... nicer. You encouraged that part of him, albeit with a few protests from the flower. But you still believed in him.

After getting dressed, you started going downstairs.

"I have a few things I want to do today," you said, "You're welcome to tag along if you want."


You grinned and headed for the front door. "Bye, mom! I'll be back later!"

With a "Be home for dinner, my child!" from Toriel, you and Flowey were off into town. 

You had greeted the local monsters, and they greeted you two back. Flowey always claimed to hate speaking to everyone, so he made it a point to try and hide by your arm. 

"Hey, idiot, did you eat anything?" The flower suddenly asked as you walked.

You shook your head. "No, not yet. I was in such a rush to get out of the house, I guess I forgot to grab something on the way out."

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Of course you did. God, you're so high maintenance."

"Pfft. Me? Don't even get me started on you, Flowery!"

He growled at the nickname.

"I mean, seriously, three different types of fertilizer-?"

"Hey, I have my likes, okay!" His stem wrapped tighter around your arm, which was starting to cut off your circulation.

"Okay, but three?" You laughed, earning an angry blush from the flower.

"Shut up, idiot! Shouldn't you be finding something to eat? Try and focus on that more than my soil preferences."

You quirked a brow as you walked into a familiar bar/restaurant. "You seem awfully adamant about making sure I eat, Flowey. Could it be that you actually care?"

"No! It's just that you're too stupid to take care of yourself that I have to do all the work. Besides, I can't care, remember? Being soulless and all."

"Right, right..." Entering Grillby's, you greeted all of the usual monsters there, and they greeted you in return.

You sat at the counter as the bartender turned around.

"Hi, Uncle Grillby," you acknowledged him with a small wave.

He replied with a series of small crackles as his face of flames formed a grin. "Hello, _____. Flowey," he said happily.

"Hi," Flowey responded dryly, averting his eyes.

You smirked at his behavior and ordered what you two liked, to which your fire uncle went work.

"So... how's it feel being out and about for the first time in forever?" you asked with a wide grin on your face.

Flowey scoffed. "It's... okay, I guess. Didn't you say you had stuff to do today? If so, then what are we doing here?"

"My little tsundere," you booped the spot where his nose would be, "This is one of those things. Can't be productive on an empty stomach."

"Whatever. Let's just make this quick so we can get out of here. The humidity here is causing condensation on my leaves." He shook his leaves as if to make a point.

You smacked your lips. "You are such a drama queen. It's always 'leaves this' and 'leaves that'. "_____, wE cAn'T sTaY hErE fOr LoNg Or ElSe My LeAvEs WiLl CoMpLeTeLy ShRiVeL uP aNd FaLl OfF!" You mocked, earning a glare from the flower.

"Shut up, you idiot! I don't sound like that!"

You were laughing so hard you thought you'd burst. "Yes, you do! Don't deny it, that is exactly how you sound!"

"I will literally kill you in front of all these people, keep trying me, _____."

There were tears in your eyes. "I'm- I'm so sorry! That is hilarious to me! I crack myself up!"

"Yeah, yeah, keep laughing," Flowey crossed his leaves. "See what's going to happen. This will be the last time you mock me."

As much as he pretended to hate it, Flowey enjoyed seeing you laugh. It reminded him of how he used to be, in another time perhaps. And seeing how happy laughing made you made him want to be better, despite being soulless. He may be cold and heartless on the outside, but his new, happier personality was still a work in progress.

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now