♥ Rough Patch (Underfell!Papyrus x Sensitive!Reader) [Angst] [Part 1]

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Word Count: 464

You sat on the couch in silence. It was close to midnight, or something like that. There was no sense of time in the Underground but it was late enough for you to know that your boyfriend was supposed to be home by now.

This wasn't the first time Papyrus stayed out late and didn't come home. 

You were starting to get worried but you also felt somewhat angry. He'd always promise to 'be back before late' but you didn't see him until the next morning. 

You've had enough.

Of the empty promises.

Of the vague answers he'd give when you'd ask where he was going.

Of everything.

The door burst open and slammed closed.

"You're home late again," you growled suddenly.

It was dark in the room but you could still see his glowing vermillion eyelights as he stared at you.

"How observant of you," Papyrus replied, about to walk past you.

You quickly stood up and grabbed his arm. "D-don't walk away from me, Papyrus. Why are you so late?"

He shot daggers at you, almost making you hush to submission. "I don't see how that's any of your business, human."

He never used the H-word unless he was angry.

Your brows furrowed. "I'm your girlfriend, Papyrus. I th-think I have the right to know where my boyfriend is when he's not in the house."

He scoffed and towered over you, but you stood your ground. "Whoever told you that? I don't waste time reporting my every move to meddling humans who think they have some sort of control over me."

Your lip quivered. "'Meddling'...? W-Well, I didn't know I needed permission to worry about you. Excuse me if my concern is a burden to you, honey." 

Papyrus' eyesocket twitched at the pet name. "You'd best watch your tone. As of right now, you're treading very dangerous territory."

Something snapped. 

"Was... that a threat?"

"Hmm, perhaps you're not as much of an idiot as I took you for."

"Excuse me? D-Don't you dare act like I'm the dysfunctional one in this relationship or... whatever you call this. You've got to be the most arrogant, disrespectful, and the most barbaric monster in the entire Underground!"

"And you continue to wonder why I'm always out so late. Your nagging and going on are precisely why I'm so eager to leave this place every day!"

Tears were forming in your eyes. 

"You're so needy and annoying and just completely pitiful!"

Your heart sank.

"I must have been crazed to think I'd ever come even close to caring about someone as weak and pathetic as you."

There was a tense silence. You could hear your soul breaking.

"Well... I'm g-glad you've told me how you feel. F-For the record..." You stepped up so that you were toe-to-toe with him. 

"You are a monster who will n-never be worthy of anyone's love. And I regret the day I met you."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now