♦ Warm Welcome (Grillby x Child!Homeless!Reader)

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Word Count: 830

Your feet were beginning to go numb as you trudged through the freezing snow. The snow that was blowing in your direction made it impossible for you to see, so you hadn't the slightest idea where you were going. There was a throbbing pain in your head and your legs wobbled with every step you took. And to top it all off, you were starving.

 In short, you were pretty sure you wouldn't get very far before freezing to death.

Your stomach pained you as it growled more vigorously than before, making you almost double over. Forget hypothermia, starvation was going to be the one to end it all.

Before long, you were sure you saw colorful lights ahead of you. You had begun to reason that you'd been in the cold for so long, you were starting to hallucinate. But when you couldn't blink the lights away, a glimmer of hope flashed in your eyes.

With shaky steps, you finally got close enough to see that you had approached a town of sorts. 

At the entrance, you came across a sign that read "Welcome to Snowdin!" String lights were illuminating the area, causing the settled snow below to sparkle. 

It was quiet.

You stood for a second, marveling at how peaceful the place was; A vast contrast from the place you used to call "home". 

There were familiar green and red lights in your peripheral view. Upon further inspection, you realized there was a Christmas tree off in the middle of the town. 

You walked up to it, glancing around at the different and somewhat strange ornaments that littered the branches. The creativity of the tree made you smile; Something you hadn't done in a long time.

As sleepiness started to take you over, you moved to sit under the tree and huddle yourself with the presents.

At this point, your body had gotten used to the stinging coldness of the snow, making it easier for you to close your eyes. However, as you were about to do so, you suddenly felt a pleasant warmth in front of you.

"... Are you lost?"

You snapped your head up and flinched. It was a fire... person? Monster? You didn't know. You remained silent and stared at him.

The monster stared at you back, being careful not to startle you with any sudden movements. Instead of saying anything further, he took a step back and crouched to your level.

After a while, you nodded in response and started shivering again. 

"... Where are your parents?"

Not saying anything in reply, your bottom lip started to tremble; that was enough of an answer for the monster.

"... My name is Grillby." He reached out a gentle hand to you. "I think I can help you... if you'll let me." 

Hesitantly, you put your smaller hand in his, and he helped you up. 

Grillby draped his coat around your shoulders and motioned for you to follow him. 

You watched him and stayed close behind as he led you to a small brick building. A sign labeled "Grillby's" was across the top of it.

As you entered and felt a sudden wave of warmth come over you, your nerves started to settle and you sighed. It smelled like food.

"... Are you hungry?" He asked in a soft tone, looking down at you.

Your stomach grumbled loudly; A light blush formed on your cheeks.

Grillby gave a low chuckle and gestured to the booth beside you. "... Sit in there. I'll be right back."

You climbed up and sat in the seat as he walked through a door at the back of the building.

Waiting patiently, you looked around and found pleasure in admiring the tranquil atmosphere of the bar/restaurant. And Grillby seemed nice too. You began to weigh your options. 

Soon enough, said fire monster returned with a plate of french fries in his hand and set it in front of you. It smelled delicious.

After a while of you staring at the plate, Grillby spoke up once again.

"... Go ahead." He sat across from you in the booth.

After looking up at him for approval, you picked up one of the yellow sticks and munched on it. Your face lit up.

"... Is it good?"

You were too busy eating to answer him. You had already started stuffing your face with the tasty food, relishing the flavor in each bite.

"... I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Not long after the plate was even set in front of you, it was licked clean. You burped and gave a long yawn afterward.

Considering the circumstances, you thought it only fair to at least tell Grillby your name. He did get you out of the cold and feed you, after all.

"... M-my name is _____," you spoke, bowing your head.

Grillby looked up at you with a stunned expression.

"... Thank you f-for the food."

At haven't heard you speak since he found you, Grillby gave a small smile, though you couldn't tell right away. "You're welcome, _____."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now