♦ (Asgore x Bullied!Child!Reader) [Fluff]

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Word Count: 1094

I think I lost them. There's no way they can find me if I just keep running, you thought desperately. I'm so tired... I need to get home.

You were sweating like crazy. The humidity of the CORE didn't help either. 

You were trying to get away from your attackers. They were kids like you, and they always made it a point to pick on you whenever you would cross paths. You couldn't exactly avoid them, you either bumped into them or you didn't. And this time, fate was not in your favor.

This happened frequently, the bullying. So often, that it silenced you. You didn't dare bring it up to your parents. Along with the fact that your assailants threatened you not to say a word, you were, almost literally, scared to do death. 

Sometimes, you felt guilty for not confiding in Asgore and Toriel. They made it clear that they'd be there for you no matter what since your real family wasn't present. They loved you and cared for you as real parents should. But even still, you...

Tears were flying from your eyes as you sprinted for New Home. You thought you'd collapse before you even reached the elevator.

Breathing heavily, you pushed the elevator button and leaned against the walls as the doors closed. The multiple bruises on your body seemed to throb with your heartbeat. 

My head hurts, you thought as more tears ran down your face, What will they say... God, what will he say? I need to sleep. Ow ow ow...

As these thoughts bounced around in your head, you were startled when the elevator doors opened.

You almost started hyperventilating as you left the elevator. Mustering the strength to run to the Throne Room, you hoped that your father would be there.

Without a second thought, you raced into the buttercup-filled room and tackled Asgore in a distressed hug from behind.

The King flinched at the sudden contact, quickly softening at the sound of your sobs.

"_____," he inquired in a worried tone, "What is the matter?" 

Seeing you like this made him think the worst. And of course, seeing the wounds on you troubled him even more.

He knelt to you and wrapped you in his big arms as you cried. "There, there... It is alright, my child. You are not in any danger. I am here."

You were shaking, the knot in your stomach becoming greater.

"Here, let us get those wounds healed." He lifts you and heads for New Home.

When you finally reached New Home, you were sat on Asgore's large bed, still sniffling. You couldn't see anything because of your tears. 

Asgore placed a box of gauze next to you and some alcohol, which frightened you a bit. 

"Now, please relax and try not to move. I'll try to make this as painless as possible... You can tell me what happened when you're feeling better, alright?"

You nodded, trying not to look at him.

He rolled up his sleeves and gently lifted your leg, making you flinch. "Do not worry," he comforted, "I will not do anything to hurt you, my child. I am only examining the wound."

The bruise seemed to get more blue by the second. You almost felt absolutely nothing in that leg.

Asgore gently placed two large fingers on the bruise and used his other hand to bring your forehead to his. "This won't hurt a bit. I am only using my magic to heal it. It shouldn't take too long."

You nodded again, starting to calm down a bit. 

A green aura began to surround Asgore's hand. It was warm and very soothing on your skin. Before long, the pain in your leg went away and you could move it.

"Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He gave you a reassuring smile.

You shook your head. 

"I'm going to take care of this wound on your stomach now, alright? Will you please lift your shirt?"

Heat rose to your cheeks as you did so. 

Asgore gestured for you to lay down, so you did, all while feeling an ache in your lower back.

You began to feel guilty again. He deserved to know what happened, especially now that he'd seen you all beaten and bruised.  

Asgore used a small cloth to dab off the excess blood from the injury before pouring some alcohol on it. "This is going to hurt. Feel free to take my hand if you need to."

You sighed shakily and preemptively grabbed his hand. "... Okay."

He continued, seemingly happy to hear you speak, and placed the cloth on the wound. 

You winced, almost near tears.

"That's it, just keep breathing. It'll be over soon."

Okay, it's now or never...

"There were some kids who beat me up," you admitted, "They're bullies. They've been bullying me for a while now. This is the worst they've ever done."

Asgore paused, his movements slowing a bit. He carefully placed a bandage over your wound and you sat up. 

You started getting nervous about his lack of words. He only ever got silent like this when he was either angry or thinking. And you couldn't figure out if it were one of those things or both.

"My child," he said finally, softly grabbing your hands, "Why didn't you tell me or your mother? We could've been able to help you."

"I-I know, I just... I..." You started shaking again. "I didn't want you and m-mom to worry. I thought I could h-handle it on my own."

"Oh, my child, it is our job to worry about you. Your mother and I swore to always take care of you, and that most certainly includes making sure you're not being mistreated."

A tear rolled down your cheek. "Are you m-mad?"

He gasped lightly, pulling you into a warm hug. "Of course not, _____. I am only concerned about you. I am saddened that you felt the need to keep this from us. But on the other hand, I understand."

You hugged him back, burying your face in his fur. 

"How are you feeling?"

You sniffed and rubbed your eye. "A little better now."

"Good. Please understand, my child, that you can tell your mother and me anything. Please don't feel the need to keep things like this from us. We want to be here for you when you need it."

You nodded. "Okay... I promise."

"Splendid. Now," he cautiously swooped you up and nuzzled his nose to yours. "How about a nice cup of tea?"

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