Song: Heroin by Lana Del Rey
May 5
Sydney is just now returning outside to the rest of the group, besides Stanley Uris and Bill. Those two had gone back to the motor home to rest. It's nearing midnight, after all, and Stan was completely drained. The power had sucked the life out of him and almost drowning didn't help. Bill ended up carrying him back. Though when inside, Stanley offered to stay alone so he could get back to the group. Bill, of course, wouldn't leave him alone. The younger didn't put up much of a fight or argument. He simply didn't have the energy. Besides, he wanted him there anyways.
Beverly has cooled down, though she's not awake. They figure it'll be any minute, but no one can be for sure. Especially after what she'd done and how Ben described it. Hell, she might not be up for hours. Maybe even days. No one really knows what their powers mean or what all they can do. They don't know the extent or the dangers. There's no guide or helpful tip. And even though they're all in this together, each of their powers differ from the next. So it's not as if they can rely. Each one of them have to figure it out alone. The kids around them are just moral support in the end.
Sydney takes a seat next to Greta and Mike, who do nothing but pick the grass around them. She's not sure if they were talking before her arrival, but it's quiet now. The girl gives a lopsided grin, but it quickly leaves when she spots Richie and Eddie in the background. Though to her they're still spitfire and four eyes.
Eddie pokes Richie's arms over and over again, causing it to blister and burn. Only then to go back and heal each mark. The two seem to be enjoying themselves, but Sydney can't figure out why in the world they'd be doing that. "What's their problem?"
Greta only shrugs, though Syd doesn't see it in the dark. "Not sure. Sometimes I think Mike and I are the only ones close to normal."
This makes the man next to her chuckle. Greta eyes him curiously and laughs herself. "What?" Mike doesn't reply and continues to laugh. The stubborn girl grows irritated. "Seriously, what?"
Mike eventually stops. "There's a lot you don't know."
Greta's eyes squint. If it were just her and him then she'd probably question it. But it's not and so she leaves it alone. For now, at least. Instead she turns towards the redhead. "So. A twin, huh? What's that like? Must be odd."
Syd hums, not quite knowing the answer. "Yeah. You could say that. The story was a drag, though. Not sure who's side I'm on."
"Well what are the options? What is the story? I mean, come on, how could she have never told you that you were a twin?"
Sydney joins in on picking the grass, considering it's the only thing to do in a time like this. She's just glad the weather is nice tonight. Sometimes it gets a little chilly, even in the summer. "It's complicated and long. I still don't quite understand."
"Well. Shoot. Go for it. I don't see a lot going on around here, do you?"
The redhead smiles sheepishly. "So apparently mom cheated on some dude named Al, who she was married to, with my dad. Well she ended up being pregnant with twins. Apparently one day my dad ran into her while she was working at a diner and noticed the bump. Apparently she had also failed to mention she was married. So neither man knew we were twins. She gave me to my dad and Beverly to Al. She then told my dad that she had a husband and lied about having a miscarriage so he could keep his child. I didn't meet my mom until I was five when she left Al. I mean she really never told me or my dad. Our dad. She will only ever know Al as a father. And she'll only ever know our mother as the woman who abandoned her. And I've been so angry and out of control since my father died, but now I can't help but to feel selfish because I have a twin and I didn't know until today. And from the sounds of it she went through battles and hells that I couldn't even dream of. And quite frankly I'm a little pissed too. Because yeah, I get to know her now. But my dad? He never got the chance. And neither did Beverly. And maybe it's just me, but that's just a little fucked up."
Everyone seems to stay quiet for minutes trying to take it all in. Even Richie and Eddie have crawled their way over after eavesdropping on the story. Luckily, they don't say anything and make matters worse. Something they're both known to do. Instead Greta exhales. "Yeah. Yikes. It's not just you."
"Definitely fucked up." Mike agrees.
Richie and Eddie are bored again and back to doing what they were. The other three ignore it and go about their business. "Speaking of twins, where's Stanley?"
"Which one?"
"My Stanley. The water guy." The girl uses her hands to emphasize.
Greta hums while looking around. "I'm actually not sure. He seemed upset earlier. I know Stan and Bill are sleeping."
"Upset? Why is he upset?" Syd purses her lips, wondering what all went down to make the famous Stanley Gives No Fucks Barber upset.
"Oh well our Stan was freaking out, as he does. He was screaming and shit, caused all these trees to turn to nothing and then he started a sinkhole. Yada yada, you know the drill. And apparently your Stan thought best solution was to drown ours in his own personal water bubble. You know, to muffle the sound? I don't know, but I think Bill scared the shit out of him."
"By doing what exactly?"
The girl shrugs. "I don't know the full extent of his powers."
"Was it the black abyss or more?" She can't help but to ask.
Again, Greta shrugs. "I don't know."
If Stanley was left alone for too long that could only mean one thing. Were the voices back? That wouldn't make much sense, though. He's high. Or he was. Perhaps it had worn down some? Or maybe the voices had grown louder. She's not sure exactly how it all works. He'd only ever really explained it once or twice, but it's been a long and complicated day, so who's to really say? Or maybe he just went to see the other Stanley and Bill.
Probably just to apologize? Only that's not much like him either. It's not like him to really get upset at all. Aggravated, a little, maybe. But to walk away and isolate himself even further is not Stanley Barber like at all. So the voices must be back. Something must be back. She'd understand if they were after coming face to face with a look alike. And weirdly enough, she can relate. She wonders if there's a story behind the two Stanley's. They're not identical, for obvious reasons. At least obvious to her...
Maybe she's over thinking everything and he just took a walk to clear his mind. Should she try to find him? She should definitely go after him. It's always just been the two of them facing this alone. So of course it must be weird to know there's more. Especially when those two are copies of them. Maybe the storm only happened to long lost siblings. What is she even thinking? It's been a long night and she just needs to sleep.
"I'm gonna go look for him." She smiles at the group before heading towards the woods. Maybe he had just gone home. Maybe not.
Turns out not.
He's currently sitting on his personal water bubble, which levitates from the ground. She frowns at the boy before hopping on herself. She then takes the boy's hand and closes her eyes, wishing this all could just be over. "I didn't mean to hurt him."
"I know."
"Do you think I'm evil?"
Stanley only shrugs. "I don't know. Do you think I'm evil?"
Sydney sighs. "I don't know. Maybe we're just a little messed up."
Stanley brings his hand up, making his very own tiny water tornado. He cracks a smile eventually. "Oh we're definitely messed up."
"Why are you out here alone?" She doesn't want to make him uncomfortable, but she has to at least ask.
The boy sighs.
"They're back."

Run For Your Life
FanfictionMental institution breakouts, breakdowns, murders, and more. The Losers are a dysfunctional group of misfit teens on the run. And they won't stop for anyone or anything. Get ready to float. Literally. This is a gang of evil super humans. STENBROUG...