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Song: Bullet With Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins

May 1

Beverly sits on the roof's edge, feet dangling. She's alone, a cigarette in hand. The girl is usually lively, but today is different. Today is a day she's been waiting for, but now that the moment is here, she doesn't know what to think. So she sits and stares and does her best not to think at all.

Stanley and Bill are watching Mike transform into creatures. Actually, not creatures, just birds. Stanley is obsessed with them, it turns out. He'll shout out the names of different types and then they'll appear. Each time Mike transforms, Stanley will jump with joy and smile up at Bill. He'll pat Bill with excitement and sometimes even grab his hand. Mike just enjoys the attention. He's never gotten much of it since his parents passed. It's a nice change, though he won't admit that. It's just refreshing being around people who he doesn't want to skin alive and sell. Though they still don't know that small little detail about him.

Richie and Eddie watch Mike too, just not as closely. Instead they chat and chat, about nothing in particular. Eddie is very touchy, but Richie doesn't mind. It's weird having someone be genuinely interested in him. Usually people laughed at him as a person, but Eddie's laughter only comes from the constant jokes. Even when they aren't all that funny. And if a joke goes a bit too far, Eddie will only giggle and sigh. Then he'll smile and say "Oh, Chee."

Ben is still sleeping, at least they all think. It's still morning and the boy doesn't sleep all that well. That's what Beverly noticed. She saw because neither does she. It's hard to sleep when there's so much to think about. The powers, the people, and what comes next. What does this mean? Is there a reason for these events to unfold? Guess she'll worry about that when she gets there. For now she focuses on the moment.

Suddenly there's a presence next to her. A large man with a soft smile. She's still not sure how he got mixed up in this crowd or how he managed to kill a man. He's far too sweet and normal for that. At least it seems that way. Beverly is glad he somehow got himself in this situation, though. She likes having him around. It's like having a best friend at last, something she's never experienced.

One minute she was hating men, and the next she was holding a man's hand as if her life depended on it. However, she is very very independent. She just likes the feeling. His hands are soft and she gets this warm feeling in her stomach. Plus, having someone to talk to and joke with is fun. It's new and nice. God it's so so nice to feel normal. Or as normal as can be.

"I brought food." He hands over the remaining Cheeto Puffs.

She laughs and takes them. "Thanks."

"You seem off." The boy acknowledges.

Beverly only shrugs and so Ben pushes further. "You don't have to, but you can talk about it."

The girl sighs. "My mom used to make me pancakes for breakfast every year. Every year the stack would get bigger and she would always light a candle on the top. It was nice."

Ben stays quiet. Beverly goes on. "I miss her. After she died I just felt so numb. From then on I hated my birthday."


"Because every year I grew, the more my father thought it'd be okay to touch me."


"Yeah." The girl pulls her hair into a loose braid. It's not very good, but it gets the job done. She smiles now, finally realizing something. "Usually I'd dress up nice for school. Now I'm just sitting in the same clothes I've been wearing for days. It's gross."

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