Song: Children of the Grave by Black Sabbath
May 26
They've been training an entire week, but now it's finally time. Countless hours have been put into this. So much thought and time. Sweat and tears. There's no turning back now. This is it.
A cold wind nips at them, though they don't mind. It's dark out too, yet they march on. There was an address for Tastee Farms, which they all thought might be a scam. But they had to give it a try and now they're here, outside of a large gate. To most this would be quite the challenge, but to them it's nothing.
It's an electric fence, but that's not a problem. Kate simply puts her forcefield over Ben, who then practically tears it apart. Then they go again, even more confident. Except their confidence seems to falter the longer their feet carry on. It seems they drag on through a field that seems almost infinite. That is until there's a light and a building and vehicles.
Finally they come to a stop, though they're still quite a bit aways from what they hope to be the farm. If it's not the farm, then god bless the people inside. May they burn in peace.
"Okay guys, that's it. I hope. B-Bev and Ben you're going to cause the distraction. Emmitt you'll transport t-t-to the inside and open that door, l-letting us all in. No spreading out l-like the prison. This is an all hands on d-deck situation." Bill looks to them all, hoping they catch on and do as they've been practicing.
Ben, who is carrying a tank of lighter fluid, finds a nearby Tastee Farm van. He's able to do his job and get the hell out of there before Beverly goes wild. It's definitely a distraction, due to the giant bang that goes off. Almost immediately there's alarms and spotlights. Beverly practically forgets what she's doing while basking in the attention.
Emmitt is letting the rest in in no time, though they're not really sure what to do now. There's stairways and hallways and doors and more. How the hell are they ever supposed to find Stanley in a building this big? The task seems impossible, but Bill will make sure of getting the boy out. He promised himself that, no matter the cost.
"The plan is to just keep going, right? As a group. We'll be unstoppable, right? Please say I'm right." Sydney can't help but to freak out a bit.
"The p-plan is to get Stanley. So yeah w-we're going to keep going. We've been training f-f-for this fight. Don't let me down." Bill looks ahead while speaking. Even he'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared.
There's an endless amount of hallways and the alarms can still be heard blaring off the walls. Eventually they do reach an open area, eyes coming into contact with many others. The room of people look to them, most staying seated and doing nothing at all. They seem almost normal, eating their food and playing cards. Then there's the other few, dressed in uniform and heavily armed.
So this is the facility. These are the people like them. Stanley is surely here, Bill can feel it as his eyes scan the room. Although it's nothing how he imagined. No giant lab and needles scattering about, at least not in sight. Either way, his Stan, just like the rest, had been stripped of their freedom. That's something he just can't stand for.
More and more guards seem to enter the room, weapons aimed their way. Other guards go another way, though, leading their prisoners away. The kids continue to look at them curiously, even while being forced to leave. Bill still hasn't lost hope yet, as his eyes desperately search for his Stanley.
There are more guards than they can handle, that's for sure. Bill almost surrenders, giving no damns anymore. But then he sees him, hair curly and wild. Their eyes meet and suddenly things settle back in their rightful place. Both had forgotten just how better off they are when together.
Eyes go black, shoulders roll back, and Bill's lips tilt towards the sky. "Alright then." Two guns plant themselves in his hands in no time, prepared for this fight.
Chaos unleashes itself and gunshots are fired. Bullets bounce and soldiers fall. People are torn apart, but it only lasts seconds. Soon they don't have the upper hand. Instead their epic battle unfolds and the end results are not what they had planned.
Yet they continue to fight, more desperate than ever. They charge and fight with everything they've got. Some fall from disease, while others melt to the ground. Men are zapped and thrown and shot and more. Whatever they possess is tossed out messily. Only it's still not enough.
Something seems to fall from the ceiling, causing them to fall to the ground. Bill is about to succumb when he hears a sweet familiar hum. He's on a beach, a beautiful face by his side. Waves crash and birds chirp. The man's hand lifts, wanting nothing more than to make that final connection. Only his body slumps against concrete before he gets the chance.

Run For Your Life
ФанфикMental institution breakouts, breakdowns, murders, and more. The Losers are a dysfunctional group of misfit teens on the run. And they won't stop for anyone or anything. Get ready to float. Literally. This is a gang of evil super humans. STENBROUG...