Song: The King of Rock 'N' Roll by Prefab Sprout
May 5
It was a normal day for Stanley Barber. Well, almost normal. School, work, dance, murder, midnight snack. He supposes it's not really murder. It's not as if she meant to do it. Hell, maybe it wasn't even her. Maybe there was another who was impacted by the storm. Though he really doubts that.
So on the other hand, it was definitely murder. But Syd hadn't answered a single message and he was starting to get nervous. Especially knowing her history.
Everyone ran screaming, but he couldn't stop thinking about how much the dick deserved it. And it's not just for what he's done to Syd. Let's just say that Stan and Brad do not have the best history.
No one knows about that, though.
In fact, no one knows a lot about Stanley. He's surprised he even let Syd in on everything.
Speaking of Syd. Stanley is in the middle of his second bowl of cereal when he gets the call. Of course he answers, eager to know the truth. But he doesn't even get the chance to speak before she's demanding him to march his ass down there.
Which he does.
Well, kind of.
The boy knows he shouldn't use his powers in public, but he's high and the king of giving no fucks. Something that Sydney was always jealous of.
Stanley is out the door in no time. His palms press down, causing water to gush from him like a faucet. The boy lifts from the ground and through the air. Eventually his hands dance upwards and he pushes forwards, creating his own mini wave to surf.
The water stops flowing from his hands now, and instead rests between his feet. He moves with the water, almost as if he's ice skating. But then he takes it one step further.
His toes, which dance across the waves, morph and blend in with the sea below him. It's not just that he's made the wave, but he's now become it. Except that's not all either.
Stanley still looks like Stanley. But instead of the skin and hair, he's just water. He swims along, sometimes jumping in and out of the wave. He wonders what would happen if anyone ever saw him like this. With that thought, he takes another form. It also happens to be his favorite form.
The jellyfish made of water.
Now he's able to swim and flip as he pleases, without anyone seeing this and immediately knowing it's him. That would be horribly bad. Syd always made him promise to keep a low profile. She always said something bad would happen if anyone found out. The girl swore there were people after them.
But Syd is Syd and he's a terrible listener.
Speaking of Syd, Stanley can hardly make out her form in the dark. If it wasn't for the giant fire casting light onto her face, he probably wouldn't have been able to see at all.
Fire. A giant fire.
Stanley takes his human form and slides to the ground, causing an entire group of people to look on with wide and confused eyes. This causes Stanley to gulp. He probably should've been more careful. Now an entire crowd has seen his work.
The boy only clears his throat awkwardly. "Should I not have done that?"
Sydney only sighs. "You're an idiot."
Stanley smirks. "The king of idiocy, that's what I always say."
The redhead rolls her eyes, but a smile takes place on her lips. "Just do your thing."
Stanley scratches the back of head. "Uh, I don't know if that's a good idea with all of these people around." His voice goes quiet at the end.
Suddenly his lower back in being shocked, which makes him yelp in surprise. "Hey what the hell." He complains, turning around to see bright purple eyes.
The blonde gives a fake smile and pushes him forwards. "I wouldn't worry too much about us."
Stanley, who is too high to process this, only hums. "Oh cool."
A man stalks up to him. He seems slightly angry. "I don't mean to rush, but the love of my life could be dying in there so we need to get a move on."
"Woah, slow your roll buddy. You're staying put."
Suddenly Stanley is being lifted into the air with only one of Ben's arms. This makes the smaller boy chuckle before being set down. "Alright then. This'll be fun."
The man takes off towards the fire before Stanley gets the chance to form a plan. He then looks back to Syd with an unsure expression. "Hey, uh, where the hell did you find these people? Also thanks for returning my calls. Rude ass."
Sydney smiles and waves. She blows a sarcastic kiss and watches her Stanley take off. Thank god she's no longer alone. Her eyes then land on the other Stanley, who had hid behind Bill. His eyes are wide with joy.
"Woah!" He gasps, tugging on Bill's sleeve. "He looks almost identical!"
No one can see either Ben or Stanley. That is until Stan bursts to the sky with one giant wave. Half the fire is already out and before they know it, Ben is running back with a drenched Beverly.
Everyone besides Sydney and Ben are completely transfixed by Stanley's epic powers. They watch with admiration as he takes form after form, all created by water. Stanley is especially interested in the water boy.
Just as Syd is especially interested in Bev. She can hardly comprehend the look alike. She's identical. Sydney is literally looking at herself. But she's not sure what to do with this information.
And she's sure as hell not sure where to go from here.
Sydney's Stan is back down in no time and the flames that once loomed over them are gone. They almost think they're in the clear, but then they hear a gasp.
There Maggie is, Liam by her side. Her eyes look from Bev to Syd in complete shock. She hardly cares about Stanley Barber's water thing.
Her daughters, both daughters, in front of her at last.
And what a sight to see.

Run For Your Life
FanficMental institution breakouts, breakdowns, murders, and more. The Losers are a dysfunctional group of misfit teens on the run. And they won't stop for anyone or anything. Get ready to float. Literally. This is a gang of evil super humans. STENBROUG...