Song: Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake
May 6
The group of misfits eventually made their way inside when the weather outside got a little too cold. Now they all sit around the dining room table, making whatever conversation they can muster. Even Ben had joined in at one point.
"Well maybe you should just go apologize. What's the worst that could happen?" Greta says it like it's obvious.
"Listen, I didn't even bring any weed so I really doubt I'm in the right headspace for rejection. And whatever that one dude can do. He gives me the creeps." Stanley visibly shudders, making the small group laugh, including Mike. Which is very rare.
"Who, Bill?" Greta chuckles along.
"You should see him in action. He always carries this gun around. Never misses a shot. It's crazy!" Richie explains while moving his hands around in a rapid manner.
Eddie, who's practically sitting on Richie's lap, gets excited. "Oh yeah! He's just super protective over Stanley."
Stanley Barber's brows furrow. "Why?"
Richie only shrugs. "No one really know."
"I happen to think it's sweet." Greta adds in.
"Yeah right. It's weird." Eddie speaks while poking at all of Richie's freckles.
Sydney squints her eyes at the boy. Soon her eyes leave him and travel to her Stanley's. They stare at each other and both crack a smile, trying not to laugh. "Right."
"Don't mind them." Greta leans towards the redhead, voice barely above a whisper.
"We can hear you." Richie glares.
The girl only rolls her eyes and leans back into her seat. Sydney smiles, leaning back as well. Stanley, however, stands. "I doubt they'll be up for hours and I need to smoke. I'll be back later."
Richie and Eddie stand as well, following behind. Stanley stops before out the door and looks both up and down. "Yes?"
"I'd love to smoke myself." Richie tells the boy in one of his famous British accents.
The man cracks a smile at this and opens the door. "Well then, after you two ladies."
Richie and Eddie rush out. Stanley walks out after, but not before giving Sydney a surprised glance and a thumbs up. Then they're off, leaving Sydney, Mike, Greta, Ben, and a sleeping Bev and Maggie.
"So how many of you are actually together?" Sydney starts up the conversation again. She just can't help it.
Greta shrugs now. "Um, I'm not actually sure. I usually stay out of it. I mean I'd assume Stan and Bill. And of course Richie and Eddie. If those two aren't together then life as we know is a lie. Then there's Ben and Bev." The blonde makes kissy faces at the man who only rolls his eyes.
"And what about you?"
"Hah. That's a laugh."
Sydney pulls her legs up underneath her. "How so?"
Greta opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. Instead she coughs. "What about you? Anything going on with Stanley?"
Syd shakes her head immediately, maybe a little too much. "Oh god no. I mean, he's great, but. No."
Greta hums at the exact same time the television grows louder. The group peek up from their seats and travel over to the living room, which is where Maggie now sits, wide awake.

Run For Your Life
FanfictionMental institution breakouts, breakdowns, murders, and more. The Losers are a dysfunctional group of misfit teens on the run. And they won't stop for anyone or anything. Get ready to float. Literally. This is a gang of evil super humans. STENBROUG...