Song: A Horse With No Name by America
May 5
The group had been on the road for hours now. They'd just started driving randomly, of course after packing all of their belongings in. Eddie and Richie wanted to go to Universal Studios, which Mike was almost okay with, seeing as it's close to the beach. Plus he loves Florida and apart of him really wants to transform into a whale.
Stanley was indifferent. He was just along for the ride. Bill, however, didn't like that idea at all. He went on and on about how they could easily be caught. Mike argued that it would be less likely to be caught at a far away beach. Bill couldn't disagree, but he was still on edge.
Eventually Beverly spoke up about the will and what she had discovered. She talked of her mother and not knowing where to look. Or if it's even her mother at all. How it felt like she was supposed to look, but it's not for sure. She let it be known that no one had to join either. Beverly didn't want to get in the way. But she didn't want to lose her family either.
Luckily she didn't have to. Everyone agreed to go with her. Richie said as long as they got to go to Florida next. Plus it was curious. And all of them are quite nosy. Besides, Beverly was right. Maybe it's not a coincidence.
It was horribly easy to find the woman, known as Maggie Novak. All Mike did was search her name and then bang. Apparently the woman lived in Brownsville, Pennsylvania. Luckily not far from them.
They left at nine in the morning, though it's eight pm now. Everyone has been taking turns trying to drive the massive vehicle, though Richie has done the most. They're almost there now. Richie is, again, at the wheel. Eddie by his side. The small boy keeps messing with the radio.
Beverly and Ben sit together on their own couch. She's a nervous wreck. She's not sure why she's even going, but the girl feels this strange pull. Maybe it's stupid, but it feels right. Beverly just hopes she finds the right words to say when they finally arrive.
Greta and Mike are playing Mortal Kombat. Every once in awhile Stanley and Bill will ask for a turn, but they mostly keep to themselves.
"We're almost there." Richie calls from the driver's seat.
Beverly's heart rate increases tremendously. She still hasn't come up with what she's even going to say. Maybe this is a mistake.
But there's no turning back now, because soon the vehicle is coming to a stop. Everyone looks to her curiously. She sighs while getting up. Even though Beverly feels like shit, doesn't mean she has to show it. "Come on Ben. The rest of you go do something."
"What if you need backup?" Eddie can't help but to feel off.
"That's what Ben's for. It'll be okay."
Beverly takes her last few steps out the door. She barely hears Greta wish her good luck when the door closes. Ben and Beverly stand on the sidewalk while waiting for their friends to fade from view. Only after they're long gone do the two hesitate towards the door.
The girl brings her fist up to the door, getting ready to knock. But she never makes the final move and instead just stands. She tries to build up the courage, but Beverly is stuck. If this is really her mother, does she want to see? If this is the woman that abandoned her, then what's to stop her from turning away again? What if she doesn't recognize her own daughter? Beverly wonders if she hates her. The girl wonders why she did it. Questions pound in her head. They bounce from side to side, so much so that she can't even see straight. Beverly feels sick.
And so she turns away, feeling her eyes begin to prick. Only when she turns away, she's faced with a familiar face. A face she used to know. A face she used to love. A sweet memory turned cold.

Run For Your Life
FanficMental institution breakouts, breakdowns, murders, and more. The Losers are a dysfunctional group of misfit teens on the run. And they won't stop for anyone or anything. Get ready to float. Literally. This is a gang of evil super humans. STENBROUG...