Song: I Found a Way by First Aid Kit
May 7
It's been hours since the last big scene, giving Bill a bit to cool down. He's not okay, not by a long shot, but ready to focus and search for his captured boy. No matter what it takes.
"Tastee Farm with two e's and no y's?" Mike is sat with a computer in his lap.
"What does that have to do with the facility?"
"Maybe it's a government coverup?" Sydney offers her input.
"It could be. Ah, there we go." Mike taps away, eyes squinting at the screen.
"What is it? D-Did you find anything?"
"Yeah, but it just looks like any old farm."
"Where's it l-located?"
There's a few more clicks until Mike speaks up. "Apparently it's in, oh, wait. No this can't be right."
Bill maneuvers his way in between Mike and Greta to get a better look. "California? What would a businesses from C-California be doing in P-Pennsylvania?"
"I'm not sure. There doesn't seem to be any other Tastee Farms. Only that one, meaning Syd may be right. This might be a coverup."
"Okay, but a coverup for what?" Eddie's mind is jumbled. He's having a hard time understanding and staying caught up.
"Obviously for the facility, whatever that means. And if they're hiding its identity, then whatever it is can't be good." Greta practically sits on Bill due to the little seat room, but neither seem to mind as they look at the screen.
"Okay so we know Stanley is in a facility, which is being covered up by Tastee Farms, in California. What else do we know? What do you think they're doing there?" Sydney sits next to Stanley Barber, legs pulled up underneath her.
"Maybe test subjects? An alien type lab thing? Those are things, right?" Eddie stops talking when he catches sight of the annoyed glances.
"They're definitely testing on him. It's not as if we've been discreet about our powers. And if they've got their hands on him, I wouldn't be surprised if we're next." Mike takes his eyes off the screen to look at each individual, letting them all know just how serious this might be.
"Well it can't just be us." Eddie sounds so confident while he spins in circles.
"What do you mean?" Bill nudges Greta to move, but she only glares and elbows back.
"Think about it. Why would they bring him all the way to California? There has to be more. After all, Syd and Stan's storm wasn't in Derry, yet it happened the same day and at the same time. If it were only Stanley, they'd keep him closer. Right? Then again maybe I'm wrong."
Mike's face seems to liven up as he types away at his computer. It's as if something has finally clicked. "Of course. What you're saying is that we should map out the storms. That's an excellent point."
Eddie stops twirling momentarily only to pout his lips. He still doesn't get it. "Sure?"
"The storm came out of nowhere. Don't meteorologists know when that shit hits? If it's an irregular storm, it'll be everywhere." Greta thinks she's nailed this, but Mike only hums.
"Not quite. If they're covering up the facility, who knows what else. I don't think they'd allow for such things to get out like that. Yeah, see? Nothing comes up. I'll have to search for smaller blogs. As well as weather reports and so on. I'm not quite familiar with this all, nor am I close to being a professional. Meaning this can't be all on me. I don't know how long this will take, but it's a start. And even if we can't find every location-..."
"A few locations is still better than none." Ben finishes off, already grabbing for his computer.
"Did I miss something? Or is this nerd talk? Why are we mapping the storms?" Richie calls from the front, which surprises everyone. He's usually zoned out.
"That's the thing. We don't even know if there were storms. If there's not then we are back to step one." Ben helps catch the rest up.
"And if there were more storms?" Greta looks from Mike to Ben.
"If there were more storms, that would give them motive. If there were more storms, we've got to find out if anyone else was affected too." Mike nods to Ben, as if they're both on the same freaky wavelength.
"And what if we find no one?" Stanley speaks suddenly, which makes Syd smile. He hadn't spoke much since the group made an appearance. It's only gotten worse with time, especially after Stanley Uris was taken. Something within him felt utterly wrong.
"If there's no one then that means either we are some freak accident, or the facility got to them first." Ben can't help but to feel nervous. It's not just that they're running from Derry cops anymore. This is top secret agency and spy shit. And he doesn't want any part of it, yet here is, wrapped up in it all. This is definitely not how he saw this year going.
"We should look up missing persons cases too. Anything that happened near the time of the storm would be excellent. Especially if we've already pinned down a storm in the area." Mike continues to search, his eyes eventually widening after coming across something that might just come in handy.
"Wh-What is it?"
"I found a blog. A guy named Danny. He speaks of the storms, spread all across the United States. Every single one, unplanned and not on the radar. Another important detail is that every single storm happened to be on April twenty eighth. He also talks about how no news outlets or meteorologists have made any statements. I usually wouldn't trust a 'the birds work for the bourgeoisie' type of guy, but it's all we have to go off of."
"Here, I found it too. I can't lie and say it looks like a hoax. After all, there we are, Derry, Maine. Oh, and-..." Ben drags off after reading the next part.
Bill sucks in a breath after reading the following lines in Danny's article. Each of their names exposed and written for anyone to see. "Th-The mysterious kids of Derry."
"And where are they now?" Mike finishes it off before scrolling to the next town, which just so happens to be in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Ben seems to come across it at the same time. "So we're headed to Tennessee, huh?"
"We should look up any missing persons cases in the area, but it looks like it." Mike sighs while shutting his laptop. He's had enough for now.
Everyone is silent, but it doesn't last long, thanks to Stanley Barber. "Wait, rewind. Why wouldn't you trust a 'the birds work for the bourgeois' type of guy?"
"Don't tell me-..." Mike begins.
"Oh they're definitely spies."
Richie can't help the chuckle that escapes him. "Do not let Stanley Uris hear you say that."

Run For Your Life
FanfictionMental institution breakouts, breakdowns, murders, and more. The Losers are a dysfunctional group of misfit teens on the run. And they won't stop for anyone or anything. Get ready to float. Literally. This is a gang of evil super humans. STENBROUG...