Song: Blue Thunder by Galaxie 500
May 29
The group sit outside, watching Charlie fly in circles, cheering the whole time. Mike usually doesn't care about much, but he can't help but wish he was flying around as well. Stanley and Bill are stood, both wearing wide smile. The younger continues to whoop and clap for his new pink haired friend.
Greta hardly pays attention, even if she thinks it's cool too. It's just that her eyes don't want to leave Sydney, which she hates. How could she fall for another girl. And Beverly's sister at that? Though she would never compare this crush to her one for Bev. That would be unfair, considering this is so much more than that.
"God, I wish I could control my power so easily." Sydney's eyes still watch the flying girl.
"You'll get there. Who knows, maybe this place will weirdly help." Greta smiles, despite knowing this is wrong.
Syd only scoffs, eyes finally falling to the blonde. "Easy for you to say. You're a natural. I mean, seriously. Coolest power ever."
The two seem to get closer, knees brushing gently. Both girl's cheeks start to heat at the little contact, yet neither pull away. In fact, Sydney gets a sudden confidence boost, allowing her to grab for Greta's small hand. This shocks Greta, but she stays put, happier than ever. Despite being trapped in a horrible twisted prison. At least her days will be spent with this freckled face girl. Things aren't okay, but at least this makes it more bearable.
Suddenly Charlie is landing, her smile bright as she greets her girlfriend. The group applauds, which ends in her bowing. Stanley twirls, alongside Bill, making his way to the front of the crowd. "Wasn't that the coolest thing ever? I'm so excited to be able to spread my own wings!"
The entire group look on with furrowed brows, obviously confused. Greta and Syd eye each other as well, wondering how that might be. Is this what the boy meant when he said there was much to learn? Ashley speaks up now, though none understand the girl.
"¿De que está hablando?"
"He's talking about power submerging." Charlie informs, which only confuses the group further.
"You speak Spanish?" Ashley gives a nod of approval.
Only then the girl shakes her head. "Well, yes, but also no. It's not like I learned it. It's Ally's power."
"Wait, what?" Greta sits up, making Sydney sit up too.
"So how are you able to use her power?" Mike grows curious.
"Same way I'm able to summon hers!" Ally smiles while stepping back, ready to show her own wings.
"Wait! We can do that! Holy shit that's awesome!" Eddie gawks.
"Isn't that impossible?" Sydney finds it hard to believe.
"Well it takes some work, but it's not impossible." Charlie informs.
Stanley looks to Bill with the cheesiest grin. "I'm going to fly! Can you believe it?"
"So anyone can do this?" Stanley Barber stands, along with Emmitt. Charlie only gives a nod and a hum. Both boys then find their gaze on the one and only Mike.
"That's why no person is the same. We're all connected. I don't know how, but we are." Stanley speaks, still hanging off of Bill. The two had been inseparable.
Greta's eyes grow wide. "You're so lucky I don't have my powers right now. Cause if I did, I'd zap you. Then I'd say something about how you'll have to have Kate help you and so on. Would've been a whole big thing."
Sydney can't help but to laugh, of course after rolling her eyes. "You're such a dork."
"Maybe." Greta simply shrugs.
"This is going to help a lot of people." Sydney's eyes follow Stanley Barber's gaze over to Mike. Her lips lift at the sight, knowing exactly what this could mean for her dear friend.
Stanley Barber has secrets. There are certain questions he won't answer and things he chooses not to hear. The boy is a pretty closed book, but he left enough room open to tell Syd. She was kind about the whole ordeal, as should any sane person be. But despite the love from her, he's still yet to tell all that many. Though after he gains his powers back, as well as other powers, that won't be an issue anymore.
People always ask how there are two Stanley's. One that's taller and one with fuller lips. Both looking oddly similar and ironically enough named Stanley. But they've failed to consider quite a few options, though he has hidden it quite well. Barber's always had a connection with the name Stanley. It just wasn't until he met Uris he realized why. The worst part is, Barber is so caught up with Bill that he's barely given him the time. He should probably try to change that.
"So what are the other secrets and ins and outs of this place? What haven't they told us?" Greta says it so nonchalant, not possibly thinking there might be more. Unfortunately she's very wrong.
"I'm not supposed to talk about it, since you're new and all, but this place isn't as happy as it seems. You think you faced the worst through isolation? Not even close." Charlie's eyes don't shine as bright when she speaks now.
Bill stares at the girl, demanding for her to continue. "Elaborate."
She takes a few moments, but eventually she gets around to the answer. "Yes we get breaks and games and even outdoor time, but it comes at a price. The reality is that no one knows how the fuck those storms happened and how the fuck we got powers. So sometimes they take us back, prick at us a little. We are put through tests and simulations and much more. It can be tiring and sometimes even scary, but it's our new life."
"So we are their lab rats?" Emmitt crosses his arms, not too happy about the current situation they're all facing.
"Basically." Stanley wishes it didn't have to be this way, but at least they're all together.
"Well will we be let go once they've found the truth?" Ben holds Beverly, who had somehow fallen asleep. He has no idea how.
"Doubt it. They don't really tell us what's happening, but if I were guessing, we are probably their new weapons. Or slaves. Basically the same thing."
Mike grunts, falling backwards. "Awesome."
"Do you think they are even close to finding out?" Bill grows frustrated, but Stan is there to calm him in no time.
"Oh god no. You guys better settle in. We aren't going anywhere for awhile. If ever." Ally tells the rest before lifting from the ground and taking off, Charlie not far behind.
As much as this sucks, Greta is just grateful for Syd. The redhead will definitely help keep things from feeling so lonely and wrong. As well as keep time moving instead of feeling as though it's staying in place. Which is exactly how it feels for Stanley Barber. However, he does suppose they have all the time in the world now. He'd like to get closer with his so called brother. Maybe even explain a few things. Hopefully Bill might let him through, though he highly doubts it. Forgetting that somebody almost drowned the love of your life seems unlikely.
Might as well give it a shot.

Run For Your Life
FanficMental institution breakouts, breakdowns, murders, and more. The Losers are a dysfunctional group of misfit teens on the run. And they won't stop for anyone or anything. Get ready to float. Literally. This is a gang of evil super humans. STENBROUG...