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Seulgi's PoV
"You guys can excuse from your classes tomorrow morning. I'll just inform the faculty about it. I don't want to be sorry about today's urgent practice because it's partly needed"Jay said

"This asshole really"Lisa hissed that made Jay and I laughed.

"Stop complaining kid. It's for your own sake"Jay said and Lisa just roll her eyes ,annoyed.

"We don't have a practice tomorrow ,right?"I ask Jay and he nod

"Yes you're right. Is Momo and Yugyeom coming back tomorrow?"He ask and we nod.

"That's great then. We should throw a party this friday for them since they won the competition in Japan"Jay suggested

"Great!! And you should compensate us with many foods because you made us do all the work for the past days coach"I said and Lisa agreed

"You should ,coach. Or else I'll find another coach because you're giving us a hard time"Lisa threatened 

"Lisayah! That's not fair at all! How come you guys are so thrifty when your are all rich!??"he complained that made us laugh.

Yes , we are rich but we don't tend to be boastful about it.

"Are you complaining,coach? Should I just leave?"Lisa joked that made Jay Park put his palm on his forehead hahahahaha.

Because he knows that if one of us will leave he will be having a hard time about it and it will be a big loss to him. We are his lucky people like what he always say to us.

"Okay-Okay , stop blubbering I'll treat you all. Session dismissed!"He said defeated.

And that's when me and Lisa do a high five together and laugh. We won! We always makes fun of him right after our practices or before because he always makes us laugh or me made fun of him. But during the practices he is the very tough one. A little mistake then we will do all the work again. He's very serious about our practices that's why we are all very good at dancing because he is one  of a very kind coach to us. He is very good to his work. No wonder he's very successful.

"It's almost midnight ,should we eat?"I ask Lisa since its only the two of us who are left here.

"There's a 24 hours open convenience store out there ,right?"she ask and I nod

"We should take a bite then. We did great earlier we should award our self"she said and I agreed to that.

Jisoo's PoV
"What happened to you?"Chaeng asked Lisa since she look very tired and he is sweating when arriving here in the cafeteria.

Chaeng is sited beside me and Lisa is sited beside Jennie as always. This is our new sitting arrangement recently. It's Jennie who's usually sit beside me and Chaeng and Lisa on the other hand.

"I took a jog from my house until here because my motorcycle is out of gas"she answered


"Are you crazy?!"Chaeng asked surprised

I don't want to be get jealous but I can't really help it since I know that Chaeng likes Lisa without Lisa knowing it. Because she's dumb and I really want to punch her because of it.

"You know you can just ride a taxi,right?"I asked her and she nod

"It's fine. I consider it as a workout anyways because me and Seulgi are very hungry yesterday after all the practice we have done and plus our students is really giving us a head ache."she explained and I just shook my head.

She's crazy. Her house is very far from here so it must be very exhausting.

"You're absent this morning?"Jennie asked and Lisa nod smiling at her.

"You should change your shirt,Lis. You might get sick if you'd let your sweat dry on your body"Chaeng told her and Lisa nod.

"I'm actually out of extra shirt when I open my locker earlier. Can I use one of yours?"Lisa asked and Chaeng stood up so she followed.

What!?? She'll borrow Chaeng's shirt?! Seriously?She can just borrow her crush's shirt and not with Chaeng!! She should take advantage of this situation as a reason to borrow Jennie's shirt!! Aishhhh!! Why am I mad about it? When Lisa only look at Rosé as a friend. I should not worry. Right. I shouldn't.

"We'll be back"Chaeng said and walk away from our table and Lisa followed her.


"Lisa's crazy it must be very exhausting"I told Jennie who's quietly eating her food.

"Aren't you jealous about Lisa borrowing your crush's shirt?"she asked me back that made me frown.

"If that's the case then you should just let Lisa borrow yours!"I told her ,disappointed.

"Why should I? Is she my crush?"she asked me again

What the heck is she saying!??

"So you're telling me that the reason about Chaeng letting her borrow her shirt to Lisa because she has a crush on her!?"I almost yelled.

"And why are you angry about it? It's very obvious that Rosé really does like her. I dont really understand why you don't want Chaeng to know about Lisa having a crush on me"she said with a blank face.

"She'll be hurt,Jen."I answered and looked down.

"So you just let yourself get hurt because you don't want Chaeng to be hurt?"It's not really a question.

Is she telling me to wake up and take advantage of the situation? Is she crazy? Chaeng will be hurt!

"If I tell Chaeng about it would you date Lisa for me?"I asked her that made her look at me straight in the eye,shocked.

"See? You can't even do that when Lisa's head over heels to you. She'll giving you all of her attention. She's very obedient to you. I really think sometimes that Lisa would die or risk her life just to have you"I said.

It's on her now.

"W-What are you t-talking about"she said stuttering.

"My point is that before when it's just Chaeng and Lisa , Lisa always do focused her attention to Chaeng because she has no one. Don't get her wrong , she doesn't have a thing on Chaeng but as her bestfriend she would always be with Chaeng and make fun of her and make her heart flutter as a friend. All of this made Chaeng like her but not as a friend.It changed because of Lisa getting close to you and ended up having a feelings for you instead of Chaeng"I told her.

If I were her I would date Lisa. She's one of a kind like what Chaeng always say when we talk about Lisa.

"It's not my fault, unni. I'm not the one who's having a feelings here"she complained .

"I'm saying that you should give it a try"I said without making eye contact.

It will be a big loss to her if she won't. She would regret it.

"You know I can't do that...."she mumbled but I heard it.

It makes me look at her when I heard that. She's facing down.

"I'm not forcing you okay? I just don't want you to regret"I said to make her feel okay and tapped her right shoulder twice and smiled.

Right, she can't.


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