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Lisa's PoV
"Let's talk"She said.

My head is aching and here she goes throwing all her tantrums to me. We are here in her house. She drag me all the way here because she wants to talk to me.

"Please let's not argue right now my head hurts"I told her and she just furrow her brows and made me sit on the couch facing her.

I sigh.


"Is that why you're acting like this because you know what's going on between me and Kai?"She ask in a mad tone that made me look at her.

And after I realize that I was looking at her eyes for a second I hurriedly look away.

I keep quiet.

"Talk to me ,Lisa"she said in a pleading way that made me give up and talk to her.

"Kai told me about what's going on between the two of you"I said still not looking at her.

"What!?"She said surprised.

"Don't get angry at him he didn't intentionally do that to make me feel this way. He's not even aware about my feelings to you"I said and let out a chuckle.

Kai's not aware about my feelings to her that's why he told me that. It's funny. He might've have thought that I'm all good about him dating Jennie.

I'm not.

"Why did you even fall for me when I'm all being a bitch to you"She said that made me smile and look at her in the eyes .

"I fall for you because of that"I said and smile again.

She just stared at me.

She must be thinking about me being crazy. Well , I'm crazy for her. There's no doubt. I'll do everything just to have her. It's like pursuing a dream that you really want.

"I'm sorry"I said and stand up but she pull me to sit beside her.

"Are you sorry because of what you feel to me?"She asked seriously.

I gulped. What's going on with her mind? It's not like that.

"K-Kind of—"I didn't continue what I was about to said because I saw her closed her eyes out of frustration.

Okay. You're all fucked up ,Lisa.

"I'm confused about my feelings with Kai now that he's back to me. He left me and it makes me crazy and doubt at myself—I'm happy that he's back now.... I don't know.—I'm very confused."She said without looking at me.

I understand her. Kai suddenly popped up like he didn't do wrong before and continue to date Jennie like before. He keep things like it's the same after three years. Is he numb?

Fuck him.

"It's fine. This is not your fault ,okay? If you're happy to be with him then I should keep my distance. You may be confused about your feelings now because he's back like nothing's happened to the both of you. Dating you again like he didn't do wrong before—"

"We're not dating,Lisa"She cut me off.

I look at her confused.

What is she talking about?

"But he told me that he's back to make it up with you because he's guilty about what he did before"I said that made her shook her head and didn't respond.

She's thinking very hard right now. She's probably thinking about going back to Kai because now she's aware that Kai's back because he wants to make it up with her.

When she and Sunmi fought earlier I heard all of it. I was there. Jennie's very angry about me and Sunmi kissing at Seulgi's house. I don't even know what's with me when I kiss Sunmi back. It's like I'm not with my self. But where did Sunmi know about Jennie and Kai? Did he hire someone to search for Jennie and Kai's background? I need to talk to her about that when we meet.

I let out a sigh that made her look at me. Did I get her attention because of that?

As I look at her she's just staring at me like she's about to say something but she's holding it back.

"Did it ever cross in your mind about going back with Sunmi?"She suddenly asked.

She really look so serious when asking that.

"N-No"I answered stuttering and she really looks so intimidating right now.

"Are you sure?"She asked me again and I just nod.

Why would I even go back with my ex who left me for years?— Okay , it's not that it's wrong but in my perspectives I don't really want going back to people who can't even keep me.

"Then why did you kiss her back?"She asked that made me stiffen.

I look at her and saw that she's still serious. Is it bothering her? Is that why she's angry with me or with Sunmi?

"S-She k-kissed me"I answered stuttering again.

I then noticed that she closed her eyes because of frustration towards me.

"So if someone will kiss you you'll just respond that easily?"She asked then let out a breather because of frustration.

"I don't know—"

Before I could answer she pull me by my collar and before I realized a soft lips landed on mine. I blink my eyes couldn't process what's happening right now–Fuck. She started to move her lips on mine. What's happening?

"Your crush just kissed you. Are you not planning to kiss her back?"She asked between our lips.

Fuck—She started kissing me again.Why is it so hot in here? I still can't process what's happening but her lips is very soft on mine. Fuck this.

I kiss her back and cupped her face for me to deepen the kiss. She initiated this. I may not know what's happening in ner head right now that made her kiss me—I don't fucking care! I love her so much.

I bit her lower lip that made her open her lips so I quickly entered my tongue in her mouth. I don't know if I'm sure but I feel her smiling when I did that—I'm not sure ,okay? My eyes are close because I want to feel this moment—

"You're getting overboard"Jennie said after she broke our kiss.

I blink twice couldn't sustain myself.

D-Did we just k-kiss?

"A-Am I d-dreaming?"I asked that made her roll her eyes at me.

"If I fucking see you kissing other people again I am going to rip your lips."She said and stormed in her room leaving me.



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