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Lisa's PoV
"I can't believe you really did sell your house before and bought a new one"I said with disappointment.

We are on her house right now the new one specifically. It's bigger than her house before and it's so cozy. It's not like I don't want her house. I like it,yes. But her old house means a lot to me. It has many memories we shared together.

Like making love.


No , its just that it is very sentimental to me. That's the reason why I didn't sell my small house here. The one I used when I was in college. I was planning to just stay there and not in my hotel room but I am still contemplating even though I slept there the other night.

I look at my phone when I notice the screen lit up. I smiled when I saw Sunmi's text greeting me a belated happy birthday. She probably forget about my birthday or just to busy because of her very tight schedule. She visited me in Thailand last year on her rest day. She went there because of work that time. We hangout and catch up with each other for an hour only because she said she need to meet another friend of hers and that's it. That's the last time I saw her.

Some of my friends messaged me a happy birthday and send their gifts in my office. I am contented with that. I am happy that they still do remember it and even sent me a gift despite of their heavy schedules. The funny thing is when the day after my birthday I woke up early because of Chungha's calls. I answered it and she greeted me a happy birthday too and we talked for about an hour or more because she keeps on ranting to herself about how stupid she is for forgetting my birthday and I keep on listening to her rants of course. She's in Canada right now so we are far-far away from each other.We stop the call when her parents finally arrived and wished me a happy birthday.

"That house is too small to have a family leaving in there"she said taking a sit beside me.

We are watching Divergent and eating some popcorns. It's Sunday and we both have no work today so we decided to hangout here. She invited me and tour me around earlier. It has four rooms and two guest rooms and a master's room. Each room has a comfort room so that it won't be a hassle. It's nice. I really like it.

"But you're leaving alone in this big ass mansion."I said.

"This house will be soon crowded.I don't have my own family yet.I am not even tied up yet."She said now facing me.

"We're still young but I'll make sure to give you what you wish."I said smiling.

I can't help but to smile as I imagined having a kids with her. God, that would be very beautiful. That's heaven. I will make sure to spoil my wife and my kids with everything they want with discipline. I want my family to be open and happy.

"You'll do that?"She asked softly.

I nod gently and went to kiss her cheeks. We're not yet official again so I just give her a kiss on her cheeks even though she kissed me on my lips the other day. I'm not complaining because I miss her so much. I have respect to her and to our relationship.

"I'll do whatever my wife wants."I said and she let out a soft laugh.

How can this woman so beautiful? Really,god?I could stare at her forever. I will be forever in love with her I know that. Please let us stay like this 'till we die dear almighty father.

"Why am I so flattered to what you just said?"It's a statement and she's smiling at me right now.

Say bye to the movie we are watching because we are the movie itself.

"Thank you"I said and chuckled.

"Thank you for being so patient with me."She said softly.

She's slowly expressing her affection to me these days and I really love it. She's still guilty about what happened before even though it is all my fault. I told her to not force her self do things she doesn't but she insisted that she's not forcing her self being affectionate but rather expressing her feelings towards me. A sweet character development.

"How could I not when all I want before and up until now is you? Huh?"I teasingly asked her.

She shook her head and let out a laugh.

"I think this is the time where we should talk about us getting back together"She said and playfully raise a brow.

My excitement suddenly rose up.

"Are you telling me that we're finally in a relationship again?!"I asked happily ,my excitement shows as I stand up and pull her to stand as well.

She nodded slowly and with that she let out a genuine smile.

I pulled her with a tight hug out of happiness with what I am feeling right now. Okay , I win BIG TIME.

"Oh my god!I love you so much ,love!"I said and break the hug to give her a peck on her lips,finally.

Why does this feels like it's the first time when it is not?? God , I am so happy.

"I love you too ,love."She said and gave me a subtle kiss.

I smiled again with that.

"You're all smiley today."She complimented and wrapped her hands around my neck while my hands are also wrapped around her waist.

"I am very happy today."I said and look at her lips.

"You should, I did things that made you happy that no one could ever do."She said confidently.

"I don't know that because as far as I know I am happy because Chae texted me goodmorning today."I want to tease her.

I was about to break our body contact but she suddenly pulled me for a kiss. She started to move her lips on mine which I quickly respond after milliseconds like a flash. Her kisses are not gentle and I already know why. She's jealous about it. Our tongue dances in sync and I held the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. For god knows how much I am craving for this to happen again.

After a minutes we stopped kissing each other because we're out of air. She was catching her breathe that made me chuckle. I went to give her a peck again .

"Love , I was just joking with you okay? Don't make it too hard for Chae to get near me. She's my best friend after all."I said and she nodded.

"I know, I just want know how you taste like again."She said honestly.

Okay,that was unexpected from her I almost choked with my own saliva. I'm confident of how hygienic I am so no problem but her saying that? It feels do good I swear.

"Me too , I want to know how you taste again."I said and pouted.

She was confused of what I said but when I looked down between her legs and with that she she finally gets what I was trying to say.She pushed me,getting shy to what I just said . I want to tease her so I went close to her again.

"Lisa!"She scolded when I playfully touch her legs that made me laugh.

I'm not a pervert person and I am just joking with her. She looks so hot today. She's wearing a brown sleeveless tucked in ,in her black shorts. She's so perfect and she's mine. Ma, I am proud.


So you guys have finally reach the ending of the story. I just want to take this chance to say THANK YOU for reading,voting and supporting me through out this book. I hope you guys will still support me to my future Jenlisa fanfics. I love you guys thank you so much.

Farewell to this story.


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