Chapter 15

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Karina POV
After Walmart me and Shawn zoomed upstairs. While the rest of the boys went to the kitchen. From what I saw was that Nash pulled cameron into the living room shutting the door. Being me I was suspicious I wanted to know what was going on.

"Hey babe I'm gonna go get water real quick" I said wanting to go ease drop on their conversation

"Ok hurry back" Shawn responded kissing my cheek

As I left the room I raced down the stairs to the shut living room door as I heard cameron yelling at nash?

I leaned my ear against a the door to heard better

"-not lose her to shawn" did cameron want me back?!

"I still love her" as I heard her hand touch the door knob

"I know man but she is happy leave her alone" nash said thank god he stopped him from opening the door

"What are you doing" someone said touching my shoulder making me jump

"God taylor you scard me" I said holding my chest lauging at myself

"NO!" I heard cam cry/yell

"Let's go in the kitchen sounds like their in a fight or something taylor said walking towards the kitchen

"So have you talked to maddie latley" taylor said as we entered the kitchen

"Not since Friday"


"But I see her at school so I'm pretty sure we will talk about everything" I said reaching for a glass out of the cabinet

"Ok cool because I starting to like maddie a lot and I'm still not that sure how much she likes me"

"Trust me she does" I said with a smirk as I filled my glass with water

"I need to go to my room and get my phone charger I'll walk with you to Shawn's room" Taylor said jogging over to me as a sipped my water walking upstairs

Taylor and I continued to walk up the stairs as we reached the second flight of stairs cameron came running out of the living room as nash stood in shock at the door. He began to run up the stairs as he passed up he looked up at me. When we made eye contact it felt like time stopped and my heart shattered into pieces. Cam's face was all red and puffy with tears at the rims of his eyes.

"Cam" I said touching his shoulder as he passed us.

He just flinched and ran to his bedroom.

"What's his problem?" Taylor says in a tone

"I'm not sure I'm gonna go check on him" I said as we reached the top of the stairs

I entered Shawn's room

"Hey babe something is up with cam I'm gonna go talk to him" I said setting my water on the nightstand

"Ok but remember your mine now, not his" shawn said with straight eye contact

I left Shawn's room shutting the door. I made my way the to right of the halway going to the next door(Shawn's room was between Taylors room and cams room)

I knocked three times but he didn't respond

"Cam it's Karina can I come in?"

"No go away" cameron said from behind the door

"C'mon I wanta talk to you"

"I don't need your sympathy"

I opened the door anyway. I saw cam sitting on his bed wiping tears away. His tight gray shirt had small water spots from his tears. His eyes were all red and his voice was gurgly.

Drowning In Fear // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now