Chapter 26

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Karina's POV

Taylor walks in.

"What’s going on?" he questions us

We both sit there frozen in fear

"Karina is you crying" Taylor has a worried expression plastered on his face "I’m sorry we just wanted the whole family together"

I laugh because that’s exactly what Maddie said, they were perfect for each other

"I’m fine, it was bound to happen at one point" I say getting up off his bed, Maddie copying my movements so we could get out of the situation we were in "Maddie come downstairs with me so I can face my worst nightmare " I say in an eerie tone

We speed walk out of Taylor’s room leaving him clueless and unaware of what we had just discovered. As we walked down the stairs towards the kitchen Maddie and I both still in shock, she was first to speak.

"Oh my god"

"I’m sure it wasn’t a ring, maybe earring or a charm bracelet" I say trying to get her mind off the topic of marriage at this young age "I mean why would he propose-" as I was interrupted by the obnoxious noise of a room filled with hungry boys

Maddie checks her phone realizing that we might miss our reservation at the restaurant

"boys let’s get in the car and meet at the restaurant" Maddie yells above their small talk among the room "I already put everyone in cars so y'all don’t fight over who goes with who" 

There is a roar of ‘aweee’ and 'boo' throughout the boys 

"Ok listen up, me and Taylor is taking his Lamborghini so you guys will follow us to the restaurant, matt. Nash, Karina, and Shawn will be in Karina’s car. Jack, JJ, carter, and cam will cams car" Maddie claps her hand "chop chop let’s not be late" 


The car ride there was sufficiently awkward, we listened to music most of the ride with small talk about Shawn’s career and how he is working in an album.

When we arrived at the restaurant the valet took my car. All of us sat down at a table with the rest of the gang. It wasn’t really a table but 4 pushed together. I sat somewhat in the middle Maddie to my left and matt to my right, Taylor sat next to Maddie then carter on the end, Shawn next to matt; Cameron sat directly across from me. Great!!(You can hear the sarcasm in my voice) Cameron sat in between both jacks with Nash on the end next to Shawn and JJ.

The dinner was casual just to have the company of each other for all of us to catch up, Maddie was much quit.

"Maddie" I lean in and whisper in her ear "what’s up"

“I’m freaking out, what was that box" she whispers back

"Maddie, don’t worried about it" I calm her down 

She gives me a reassuring smile and joins in on a conversation with Taylor and jack g.

I feel a hand on my thigh; I look to see matt staring at me

"What are you doing" I lean and say to matt

"You look stressed" he responds back and rubs my thigh "I’m going to the restroom" mutt announces as he gets up winking at me

"I’ll go with you" Shawn says catching up with matt

Matt turns his head to me with a sad face. My phone buzzes and I see a text from matt 

Matt: come to the restroom

"I have to use the ladies room" before anyone can respond I rush to the restroom

Drowning In Fear // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now