Chapter 17

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Karina POV
So I have a huge language arts project due Monday and I haven't even started it's Friday.

Shawn wanted to come over but I told him I have to work all weekend on this project. I felt bad but it's not like it's only him that couldn't come over I wasn't letting anyone in.

The first trimester ends in one week and this counts for half our grade this could make my A drop down to a C- if I don't do it.

It was about 12 in the afternoon. I put on a tank top and some Baggie sweatpants. I didn't have that much makeup on just barley a coat of mascrea from the night before. My long blonde hair was down as I pull it to one side of my shoulder. My eyes were really green this morning.

I grabbed my backpack and sat on my bed. I took out a highlighter, pencil, some markers, my book I'm doing the report on and my notebook.

"Crap I don't have a poster board for my project" I say outloud even though I was the only one home.

My mother had gone out this morning and said she would 'be back later' like always

After realizing I didn't have all the supplies I needed for my project I decided to call shawn and ask him to go bring me one, cause I wasn't really in the right clothes to go In to public.


"Hey babe what's up" shawn answered

"Nothing I just realized I dint have poster board for my project and wanted to know if you could run to the store to get me one?" I asked in the sweetest tone

"Im acually at the studio right now I will be done in an hour, I can bring it over then"

"That would be amazing thank you"

"Anything for you, gotta go love you"

"Love ya too"

I hung up and got up to make some food.

When I got to the kitchen I opened the fridge to find nothing. There was no food in my house. Wow thanks mom.


My text tone went off. I pick my phonetic off the counter. It was cameron

Cam: hey, what are you up to

Me and cameron have been talking a lot since our late night run in at Taco Bell a week or two ago. He has been acting like the cam I fell in love with.

Did I just say that? No I mean he is the cameron that I've always known the unfamous fuck boy I grew up with.

Me: nothing I am stuck doing a freakin school project all weekend with no food in the house!

Cam: ooo you know what sounds good right now

Me: what?

Cam: in-n-out

When me and cam were dating our first date he took me out to in-n-out and I scarfed down. When I was little my mom would take me there every night because she hated to cook.

Me: you suck, don't say that I don't have any $ to get some

Cam: ha

Me: :P

Cam: get back to your project

Me: k bye

I walked up to my room and grabbed my laptop off my desk. I sat down on my bed with my laptop on my lap with all my stuff layed out front of me.

By now it was 1pm and my stomach was growling.

We got to pick out a book to read this time, finally! So I picked 'The Fault In Our Stars' by my favorite author john Green.

I've read all his books exept for this one because I was reading 'paper towns' when the movie for 'The Fault In Our Stars' came out and I didn't want to watch the movie until I read the book but like I didn't want to start it while I was already reading a book.

I was on the 8th chapter when my door bell rang. Yay, shawn is here.

I raced down the stairs and opened the door to find cameron holding a bag of in-n- out.

"I thought you might be hungry" cam said with a smile holding up the bag of burgers and fries

I just giggled and and pulled him by the arm inside my house and shut the door behind him.

I guided cam with my hand on his back to the kitchen. He sat down at the small black round table to the right corner of the kitchen. I grabbed two plates from the cabinets ,some napkins and say down across from cam.

"Here it's your favorite" cam said handing me a burger, fries and a drink

"Cheese burger with no onions, fries with extra extra-"

"Extra" cam cuts in

"Salt on the fries" I say lauging at him knowing me so well after all these years

"And a coke!" Cam said sounding proud of himself for getting everything right.

When me and Cam finished eating our food I cleaned up after us.

"Race your upstairs" cam says too quick for me as he ran past me and up the stairs

I ran after him as I got ahead of him on the stairs. As we reached my bedroom cam grabbed my waist sending us flying into my bed.

We both laughed. Thank god I put my laptop back on my desk or it would have been crushed when we jumped on my bed. Even though all my supplies and stuff were on the ground now.

"I haven't been in your room in years" Cameron announced as he started at the stars on my ceiling

"Yeah" I exhale

"I still remember when we painted those stars" he smiles sitting up on my bed with me. He looked into my eyes "when we had our first kiss togther"

I looked at him with suprise at what he had just said to me.

"Yeah, I remeber it like it was yesterday" I say looking up again in the corner of my ceiling that was signed 'Karina & Cameron ♡'

I tried to avoid eye contact with cam, but then he put his hand on my check pulling my head to face him.

"I still love you" he said


"I'm sorry I do, I can't get over you"

"I I-"

Then he leaned and pressed his lips against mine. It took me by suprise but I continued it bringing back old memories. I wrapped my arm around his neck to bring him closer. I couldn't beileve I was acually kissing my ex boyfriend. Cameron Dallas while I was STILL dating shawn. What am I doing I thought to myself.

Our tongues locked together, when I finally pulled away out of breath.

"What just happend" I said to him with bodies still intertwined

"Fate" he said as he pulled his face back to mine so we could kiss again. Something ignited Inside of me at that moment. Did I still love cam?

Lost in my thoughts as cam left a trail of kisses down my neck. When the door bell rang making me and cameron jump.

I look in the mirror and fix my hair and wipe my face off. Who is at my door right now?

I open the door to see shawn standing there with the poster board in his hand.


Ha ik y'all hate me for this cliffhanger but Ima do some double updates soon! Enjoy Recomand to friends!!!! COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK. Twitter insta >> funky2118

Nikki xxx

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