Chapter 1: Queen Barb's World Tour

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The Techno trolls were having a great party just for fun.

[King Trollex:]
"One more time. One more time. One more time."

"What's up, my Techno Trolls?" King Trollex asked.

[King Trollex:]
"One more time.
One more time, we're gonna celebrate.
Oh yeah, alright, don't stop the dancin'."

"Tonight is about family, love, and music! Come on! Let me see you jump! 1, 2, 3, 4!" King Trollex shouted.

Everyone danced with their families and friends to the beat.

"Hey, get ready for the drop!" King Trollex announces then asked the Beat Drop Button, "You ready, little buddy?"

"Let's do this, King Trollex!" the Beat Drop Button shouted.

"Wait for it!" King Trollex said.

"Come on!" the Beat Drop Button urged.

"Wait for it!" King Trollex amped up the suspense.

"Yes?" the Beat Drop Button asked.

"Wait for it! Wait for it! Wait for it!" King Trollex teased.

"Come on, man! Hit me!" the Beat Drop Button begged.

"Just do it already!" Bliss pleaded.

King Trollex circled back to his spot and then hit the button, sending everyone to drop them dance.

[King Trollex:]
"One more time
Music's got me feelin' so free
We're gonna celebrate
Celebrate and dance so free"

Then King Trollex noticed something out of the ordinary, so he stopped the music, making the others groan.

"Don't worry, everybody! We'll get back to the party in a minute! Let me just take care of this real quick!" King Trollex assured.

He and the Beat Drop Button then went to what looked like a huge angler fish with legs. It unzipped its mouth to show a gray troll with a red mohawk, white tank top, a black skirt, and fishnet leggings.

"Hey, man! There he is! King Trollex of the Techno Trolls, right?" she said.

"That's right. Who's asking?" King Trollex asked.

"Queen Barb...of the Hard Rock Trolls," the troll, Barb, answered.

King Trollex just shrugged to the Beat Drop Button at that.

"And I'm here to take your string, bro," Barb stated.

"No way," King Trollex refused.

"Oh, don't do it, man!" the Beat Drop Button pleaded.

"If we lose our string, we lose our music," King Trollex pointed out.

"You mean your...bleeps and bloops?" Barb asked, mimicked the sounds badly, then said, "Yeah, that's not music. Do you wanna hear some real music? Rockers!"

The other Rockers came out and played their instruments, just rocking out.

"Yeah! Here I am! Rock you like a hurricane...!"

As Barb played her guitar, she sent a cob out that totally destroyed their place.

"Okay, okay! Enough! Stop! You're harshing the vibe we've worked very hard to build to!" King Trollex said, hugging the Beat Drop Button.

"Oh, but by the end of my world tour, we're all gonna have the same vibe. We're all gonna be one nation of Trolls...under rock!" Barb said.

She then blew them away and took the Techno string.

"Who's ready to rock?!" Barb asked as they left the Techno village.


A/N Whoa. That just happened!

Trolls Part 3: World TourWhere stories live. Discover now