Chapter 19: K-Pop vs Reggaeton

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Then Branch heard voices, making him get up and look around.

"1-2-3," another voice said.

Then Branch was dragged away, making him scream. Then he noticed he was tied in ribbon with a bow. He then faced the K-Pop gang.

"Hi crybaby! Your name Poppy?" one of them asked.

"Or Jamie?" another added.

"What? No. Who are you guys?" Branch wondered.

"We are the K-Pop gang. And you're gonna take us to Queen Poppy and Princess Jamie," the leader said.

"What?" Branch scoffed.

Then the Reggaeton trolls appeared.

"Not so fast, Tracy. We're taking him," the leader smirked.

"It's pronounced Tracio. And if you want him, you're going to have to dance for him. I can't live in a world without Reggaeton," the R leader said.

"And we can't live in a world without K-Pop," the K leader threw back.

"Dance off!" they shouted.

K-Pop untied and had Branch dance with them and when they were done, Reggaeton had him dance with them as well. When they were done, they tied him back up.

"Wow! Respect!" the K leader told them.

"Respect. Why don't we split him?" the R leader offered, making Branch gasp.

"Good idea," the K leader agreed.

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Why does Barb get to decide which music should be saved? All music should be saved," Branch pointed out.

The groups looked at each other, knowing he had a point.

"Alright. Okay. I'm listening, Pop troll," the R leader told him.


A/N I'm gonna be honest; I was turned on when Branch danced with them. 😂 Anyway, nice that he's getting their help.

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