Chapter 15: Abductions

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Meanwhile, Cooper fought against the desert wind, feeling dehydrated. He coughed up sand that hit in the face as the sun even sweated.

"So hot," the sun said.

He kept coughing it up when he came up on a small oasis. He gasped excitedly and ran to it.

"Ha! I'm saved!" Cooper exclaimed.

He then put his things down and began drinking the water when his reflection came to life.

"Are you now? 'Cause last I checked, I was a mirage," it told him.

Then Cooper looked ahead, the oasis popping away. He opened his mouth, a lot of sand spilling out. He then coughed in defeat.

"I'm done for. And on top of that, I never found any trolls like me," Cooper said.

He fainted, awaiting death until a UFO came and got him, almost forgetting his hat until they got it too.

"Whoa," Cooper's voice sounded.

Meanwhile, Poppy and Jamie were driving the raft.

"Hey Jamie, can I ask you something?" Poppy asked.

"Of course," Jamie answered.

"Do you think that Branch has this big confession he wants to tell you?" Poppy wondered.

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it. Considering he already told me he loves me, he proposed to me, and we are married, I don't know what else there could be," Jamie said.

"What about having a kid?" Poppy brought up.

"Well, yeah. But we haven't really talked about that. And I want us to be parents," Jamie shyly mentioned.

"I get that. But I just can't help but wonder if he's got something on his mind and heart that he wants to tell you. When you can, ask him about it," Poppy told her.

"Okay," Jamie agreed.

At the same time, Branch was sitting at the front of the raft, deep in thought. He snuck a glance at Jamie, who was still talking to Poppy. He turned back to the front, looking at his wedding band as Hickory approached him.

"Something tells me your heart ain't in this mission, Branch," Hickory said.

"What do you mean? I'm here, aren't I?" Branch asked.

"Yeah. You're on a mission alright, but your heart is with Miss Jamie. You two been married for this long and yet you have more to tell her," Hickory pointed out.

"Hey! Hold your horses!" Branch objected, then wondered, "I'm sorry. Is that offensive?"

Hickory chuckled and answered, "Not as offensive as you thinking I can't see what's right in front of my eyes. Did you tell her what it was yet?"

"I tried, but," Branch said then mimicked an explosion.

"Well, if you did, who knows if she'd even hear ya," Hickory pointed out.

"What do you mean by that?" Branch asked.

"Well, let's just say only one of ya's doing the listening in this relationship and it's not her," Hickory said, making Branch realize it, then Hickory continued, "It's you."

"Yeah. I got that," Branch remarked.

"And it seems that Miss Poppy senses it too," Hickory said with a light blush, cleared his throat, then continued, "You and Miss Jamie belong together, there ain't no doubt, but whatever it is, just tell her when you know it's best."

"Well, you should do the same thing with Poppy," Branch lightly smirked.

Hickory was then at a loss for words.

"Uh guys?" the sisters called.

They all looked ahead to see a UFO before it started releasing bubbles.

"What in butter biscuits?" Hickory exclaimed.

Then the bubbles went toward them.

"I got it!" Hickory exclaimed, but smacked Branch instead.

In response, when Branch went to get rid of one, he smacked Hickory. But then bubbles eventually got them.

Then one bubble went to the sisters.

"Oh," Poppy said, a bubble got her, then she screamed.

"Poppy!" Jamie yelled before getting trapped in a bubble herself.

"Whoo-yeah!" Hickory exclaimed.

They were then brought in and they couldn't believe what they saw.


A/N Oh snap!

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