Chapter 14: More Than One Mission

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(A/N Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday. It's just been crazy here, but I have more chapters coming today. So here we go!)

Cooper continued on his quest to find more trolls like him when he saw two pairs of feet, making him gasp in excitement.

"Trolls that look like me! Yes!" he cheered.

He ran for them only to be met by two bird creatures.

"Hello there," he greeted nervously.

They then honked on beat to a rhythm, making Cooper back away. When he stopped, he pooped a cake.

(A/N That time I meant to type "pooped". 😂)

"Happy birthday?" he asked.

Meanwhile the group of six were making camp.

"I can make a cortado, macchiato, latte, even some drip," Hickory said.

The whole time, Branch was looking at Hickory through binoculars.

"It is a nice night, isn't it? Mr. Dinkles loves a full moon," Biggie said.

"Let's get our grub on. Who's ready?" Hickory asked.

"Well, I'll bring more kindling," Poppy said like she was country.

"You are crazy, Poppy," Jamie giggled.

"Poppy, maybe it's just me, but are you getting a weird vibe from Hickory? Because Jamie has her suspicions," Branch said.

"What? No. Why? And what about you?" Poppy asked.

"I just—I don't know. I don't trust him," Branch answered.

"Yeah, but you don't trust anyone, Branch," Poppy pointed out.

"Hey. I trust Jamie," Branch objected.

"Aww. Thanks, Branchie," Jamie responded, kissing him on the cheek, making him blush.

"Anyway, I just want us to be safe. And you know what's not safe? Putting too much trust into a complete stranger," Branch told Poppy once out of the phase.

"Oh. I see," Poppy replied, set the sticks down, then said, "It's not Hickory you don't trust, it's me. Do you not think I'm a good queen?"

"Wait. What? I didn't say that," Branch replied.

"This just got awkward," Jamie said to herself.

"I thought we were friends, Branch. I'm starting to think you don't even know what that means," Poppy told him, a bit upset.

"We are friends. Actually more like family. And sometimes, that means speaking up if I think you're making a mistake," Branch said.

"Yeah. He's done the same thing to me," Jamie chimed in.

"Well, that doesn't seem to be working," Branch mumbled.

"What?" Jamie asked in shock, wondering what that meant.

Then Smooth Jazz was heard, making the conversation stop.

"Do you hear something?" Jamie asked.

Then Chaz, the Smooth Jazz troll, came out, playing his clarinet.

"Look at that guy's chest hair," Poppy said, getting a little woozy.

"Guys, I can't feel my face," Branch told them, feeling the same.

"It's like I'm being paralyzed by its smoothness," Jamie responded the same way.

Then the music took them on a journey in their mind, even involving a tiger.

Then Jamie and Branch were on a beach, just sitting at a picnic spot while Poppy slipped around slowly. Then a phone rang, making Jamie answer it.

"Hello? Hello?" she answered.

"It's me," Branch said, making her giggle, then pointed out, "Look! Narwhals!"

"The unicorns of the sea! Totally gnardar!" Jamie exclaimed.

Then they made sand angels and even imagined they were sushi as well as themselves. Branch then fed one roll of sushi to Jamie, but he was really lightly poking her tongue with a stick as the music stopped.

"Jamie, how'd you like the sushi?" he asked.

That's when they all snapped out of it, groaning.

"Gotcha, Pop babies," Chaz's voice sounded.

Then he came out, just floating in midair.

"Soon, Barb is gonna have your string and the world will be rid of cheesy, pointless Pop music once and for all," he smirked.

"Hold it right there, Chaz," Hickory stepped in, making Poppy blush.

"And who are you supposed to be, cowboy pants?" Chaz asked.

The others gasped at this as they turned to Hickory.

"My name's Hickory. And I don't much care for Smooth Jazz," Hickory answered.

The others did the same thing as they turned back to Chaz.

"Oh yeah? Well, you've just never had the Chaz experience," Chaz smirked.

He then played his clarinet, going to Hickory, but he just kicked him overboard.

"Ooh. Ahh," Chaz said then fell in the water.

Hickory then went to pulled gumdrops out of his ears.

"Gumdrops. Soundproof and delicious," Hickory said then ate them.

"Smooth Jazz will be heard again! Smooth Jazz will never die!" Chaz declared as they left him behind.

"Who was that guy?" Poppy asked.

"One of the many bounty hunters out there looking for ya," Hickory answered.

"Well, that's reassuring," Jamie commented.

"That was awful! So smooth and easy and awful!" Biggie exclaimed.

"I know, big buddy. It's enough to put you off Jazz all together," Hickory told him.

"Alright! That's it! We need to go home!" Biggie decided.

"Biggie, it'll be okay," Poppy assured.

"Stop saying that and listen to me! You only hear what you want to hear and it puts us all in danger. How are you supposed to save the world if you can't even keep us safe?" Biggie explained, shocking everyone, then he added, "You made a pinky promise, Queen Poppy. And you broke it."

Biggie then started up Mr. Dinkles like a motor, got on him in the water, and sped away.

"What kind of queen breaks a pinky promise?!" Biggie yelled.

"Biggie. No," Poppy responded, about to cry.

Jamie went to her and gave her comforting hug, rubbing her arm slightly.

"He'll come around, Poppy. You have to believe that," Jamie assured.

"I hope you're right," Poppy told her.


A/N Dang. That happened.

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