Chapter 18: What's on Branch's Heart

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As the Funk Trolls prepared to fight, Cooper led Poppy, Jamie, Branch, and Hickory to where the bubble maker was.

"I'm gonna make sure you guys get safe," Cooper told them then put them in bubbles.

"No. No no no! Let me help you!" Poppy injected.

But they were sent out anyway.

As they continued getting ready to fight, the music then cut off.

"Come on! Are you kidding me?!" Prince D exclaimed.

They saw some Rock trolls, smirking and holding the main power cord.

"Rock cut the power!" Queen Essence realized.

"They're fighting dirty!" Prince D remarked.

As the Rock trolls took over the UFO, the sound wave split up the bubble the four were in to where Hickory was going in a different direction.

"Hickory!" Poppy yelled.

"Don't worry! I'll find you guys!" Hickory assured as she floated away.

"Uh, girls?" Branch called.

They looked to see Barb holding the string up high.

"Rock on!" Barb shouted.

The Rock trolls also took the UFO with them.

"No! We have to get back down there! There's still hope! We can fix this!" Poppy yelled, trying to move the balloon back toward the Funk UFO.

"Poppy, enough!" Jamie said.

"Why? You need to decide what side you're on because you're not showing me any signs you've supported my decisions!" Poppy remarked harshly.

"You know what? I've listened to both of you and done it your way, but now it's your turn to listen. It's time to get back home," Branch spoke up, getting their attention.

"We're not like you. We can't just give up," Poppy remarked.

"'Give up'? I want to protect our friends and family," Branch objected

"We can't go home until we've proven ourselves as a good queen and princess," Jamie said.

"So this is what this is really all about? Because you want to prove something else to the other trolls?" Branch asked her.

"Well, to you and Poppy too. I wanted to prove that even though I'm not on the throne, I can still help protect them. And if that meant talking some sense into Barb, then I know I've helped make a difference," Jamie explained.

"Well, a lot of good that did. Like I said, you listening to me seems to not be working," Branch snapped.

"Why are you so upset?" Jamie asked.

"Because your dad was right and Biggie was right and Queen Essence was right and I've been backing you up, even when you ignore them. But you never listen to me," Branch answered.

"What are you talking about, Branch?" she wondered.

"Yeah. Because I'm totally lost too," Poppy added.

"You both wanna be a good queen and princess? They actually listen. You know what I heard? Differences do matter," Branch told them them said to Jamie, "Like you and me. We're too different to get along. Just like all the other trolls."

Jamie was shocked to hear this as the bubble landed on the ground and it popped. They all just stood there until Branch started walking away.

"We are really different," Jamie told him.

"So different," Branch agreed, turning to her.

"Completely out of harmony," she continued.

"Completely," he agreed again.

"I don't even know why you asked me to marry you," Jamie replied.

"Even though I love you, neither do I," Branch responded.

He then started walking away, making tears form in her eyes. Branch then stopped and sighed before looking back at Jamie again.

"Why do I even love you, Jamie? I don't feel like I've shown you I have enough when you've shown all the love you have for me. Your letter, our talks, everything. It feels like I can't show you my love because I haven't felt it since my grandma died. You even saved me from staying in my world of darkness and what have I done to return it? Nothing. I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do," he said.

He then went off and Jamie stood there in shock. This made her really confused and upset. She then began crying and Poppy comforted her.

Branch went to the edge of the shore where he poured his heart out in song. As he did, he saw images of Jamie in the water.

"I know your favorite song
I hear it everyday
Whoever made your smile
Made it to get in my way
And every time you laugh
You make that little sound
It's just the hardest thing
To love you but not know how

I hate that you're perfect, perfect for me"

He then reached down to touch her hand and she did the same before pulling him to her. As they both sang, they imagined they were dancing then in the other's arms.

[Branch and Jamie:]
"What good are words when they always just get in our way
And it hurts the most just to know that you don't feel the same, the same

I hate that you're perfect
You're perfect for me
I hate that you're perfect
You're perfect for me"

Their hug timers even went off, but they covered them. Then they looked at their rings and just bowed their heads in sadness.


A/N Whoa. This was just wow to type. And that song makes me want to cry.

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