Chapter 10: Best Friends?

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The Rock trolls were partying in the angler when Barb saw the little puffball she sent to Pop Village to see it was popified.

"Wait. Is that—? Debbie?" Barb asked them exclaimed while hugging it, "No! What did they do to you?! My hairy little baby! Come here, come here, come here."

"Gnarly," Riff commented.

That's when Barb saw the ice cream-shaped letter attached to Debbie.

"What is this? Pop trolls?" she asked, took the letter, cleared her throat, and read, "'Dear Barb, Jamie and I can't wait to meet you. I have tons of great party ideas'?"

"I like that," Riff said.

"'Maybe we all can even be best friends'?" Barb continued then remarked, "Best friends? Is she and her sister making fun of me? No one says that. Friendship takes time and years of mutual care and respect. You don't just become best friends. Plus, everyone knows I already have a ton of friends. Like Carol. Right, Carol?"

Her response was Carol eating cheese out of a can.

"Okay, you're busy. That's fine. Love you, Carol," Barb said.

She then opened the letter more, only for confetti to be thrown in her face and "Trolls Just Wanna Have Fun" to play, to which she growled in response.

"Gnarly," Riff commented.

"Pop music isn't even real music! It's bland, it's repetitive, the lyrics are empty, worst of all, it crawls into your head like an ear worm!" Barb exploded, wrecking the place.

She panted for a bit before continuing.

"You know, you can't get it out. And I'm tired now. Phew! Hating things takes a lot of energy," Barb finished.

"Trolls just wanna have fun
Oh trolls just wanna have fun," Barb's dad hummed.

"No. No! Look what their music just did to Dad!" Barb exclaimed, ran to her dad, then pleaded, "Dad, come back! Come back to me, Daddy!"

She threw something that shaved off some of a Rock troll's hair.

"Nice hair dude," another commented.

"No one does this to Dad. And no one makes fun of Queen Barb. Ugh, I need that Pop string and I know who's gonna help me: the most feared bounty hunters in all of Trolldom," Barb stated.

Then all but one set of bounty hunters came out in this order.

"Chaz, the Smooth Jazz troll, the Reggaeton trolls, the K-Pop gang, and...the Yodelers," Barb announced thyme explained as she got out a map of Trolldom, "Okay, as you probably know, I'm bringing a tidal wave of rock across this land of ours and soon, there will be nothing but hard rock as far as the ear can hear. Whoever brings me Queen Poppy and Princess Jamie gets to keep their very own music in their very own territory. Right over here."

But the area she pointed at was too small to even see, making the bounty hunters groan a bit.

"I don't know. It looks pretty tiny," a Reggaeton troll pointed out.

"You want it or not?" Barb asked, making him back off, then remarked, "All you have to do is get me Queen Poppy and Princess Jamie!"

They agreed and started heading out.

"Do you validate parking?" one of the K-Pop gang members asked, but she was shoved forward.

"Dude, where are the yodelers?" Barb asked.

"I heard a rumor, uh, that they yodeled so hard an avalanche fell on them? Or something," Riff answered.

"Well, I don't pay you to hear," she remarked.

"Uh, actually I'm doing this for college credit," he pointed out.

"If anyone can find me Queen Poppy, Princess Jamie, and their string, it's the Yodelers," Barb remarked, burning Poppy's letter.


A/N Uh oh. Barb isn't up for being best friends. We're in trouble.

Also, it's getting pretty late here in Alabama and it took me about an hour each to get some chapters done, so I'm gonna call it quits tonight. Since I don't work until next week, I'll have more time to post more chapters. So see ya!

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