Chapter 8: Biggie's In

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In the balloon, Poppy and Jamie sighed in content at the feel of the wind in their hair.

(A/N This is a clue for a future chapter. I want the voice of one of the actors from the series this song comes on to be the voice for a character I'm adding in this fan fic. Guess if you can and see if you're right.)

Meanwhile, Branch, with a captain's hat, carried a big manual for the ship.

"Alright. In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna know how to fly this thing," Branch said then popped his knuckles.

"You got this, Captain," Jamie smiled with a salute, making him chuckle with a salute of his own.

But before he could start reading, Poppy took it from him.

"Uh, Branch, we don't need a giant comprehensive manual," Poppy laughed a bit.

She then tossed the manual over the edge, making the married couple gasp.

"How hard can it be?" Poppy asked, walking toward the controls.

"Let me see if I can get it," Jamie suggested.

She then got on the edge while holding one of the ropes.

"Please be careful, Jamie," he said.

"I will be," she assured.

She then jerked her head down, sending her hair toward the manual. Meanwhile, Poppy was at the controls.

"Try one of these," she sang to herself as she pressed a button.

The balloon was then jerked away, making Jamie miss the manual. The balloon traveled quickly over all the troll lands before stopping back where it was before. Jamie was jerked forward and almost fell until she grabbed the rope with her hair.

"Alright Poppy! Easy on the buttons!" the balloon shouted.

"Sorry," Poppy smiled sheepishly.

"Wait. Where's Jamie?" Branch asked in a panic.

Then Jamie lifted herself up and flipped back into the balloon.

"Right here," she answered.

"Oh thank goodness," Branch sighed in relief as he hugged her.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, Jamie," Poppy apologized.

"It's okay. What's a little adventure without a near death experience? And at least I'm the one to have taken it and not my husband or sister," Jamie pointed out.

(A/N I would actually say something like this. If someone gets hurt, I'm like, "That's my job." 😂)

"Well, I'd prefer no one gets hurt or worse," Branch said.

"Same. I'm just saying," Jamie shrugged.

Before the conversation could continue, they heard snoring.

"Shh. What was that?" Branch asked.

They all turned toward the cotton candy and moved it to find Biggie asleep while Mr. Dinkles sucked on his finger.

"Biggie?" the sisters asked with smiles.

Biggie then woke up to see them and Branch.

"Oh! Hello. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy," Biggie blushed as he got up then said as he tried to get Mr. Dinkles, who burped, unstuck from his hand, "Oh dear. Look what's happened. Mr. Dinkles got all gummed up."

But he shook his hand a little too much, sending Mr. Dinkles overboard.

"Oh! Mr. Dinkles! Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie yelled over the edge, saw Mr. Dinkles stuck on the side, then said, getting him, "Oh there you are! Thank you! Phew! Right then, we'll just be on our way—"

But he exclaimed when he looked down.

"Poppy! Where are you balloon flying us to?" Biggie asked in fright.

"We're on a mission to help Barb unite the trolls and I'm so glad you're coming with us!" Poppy answered happily while Jamie gave an iffy expression while Branch was trying to signal to him it wasn't his idea.

"I did what in the who now?!" Biggie exclaimed.

"Hey man, join the club," Branch said.

"And for the record, I'm on the fence. Poppy's all in, Branch isn't, and I am 50/50," Jamie corrected.

"And I hope you didn't eat all the cotton candy because Barb is gonna love it!" Poppy said.

Then Jamie noticed Branch try to hide a certain basket.

"Branchie?" she called suspiciously.

He cleared his throat then answered nervously, "Yes, Angel?"

"What is this?" Jamie asked.

"Oh. It's nothing. Nothing. That-That-That-That's just my man stuff," he stuttered.

"I love man stuff!" Poppy exclaimed.

Poppy then opened it to reveal sharpened sticks and rocks.

"Weapons?" Poppy asked in shock.

"Good thinking, Branchie," Jamie commented.

"Thank you, Angel," Branch smiled.

"Et tú, Jamie? For shame. On both of you," Poppy scowled.

"Well I—" Branch stammered.

"Violence never solves the problem, you guys," Poppy said.

She threw a stick, which landed in Mr. Dinkles' mouth

"I'm not saying we have to use them; I'm just saying it's better to be prepared in case we need them," Branch pointed out.

"Yeah. It's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them," Jamie added.

"We won't need them unless these pointy sticks help you listen and these rocks help you put yourself in someone else's shoes," Poppy said, picking up each item, then pulled out a brass knuckle, and asked, "And what about these? I-I-I-Is this some kind of jewelry—Oh it's actually kinda cool-looking. Jamie, try them on."

Jamie put them on and Jamie held them up while Poppy sang a note.

"May I have them back, please?" Branch asked.

"Yes," Jamie smiled, took them off, and gave them back to him.

"Thank you," Branch smiled then pointed out to her sister, "Poppy, we don't even know what's out there."

Poppy and Branch looked at each other before she kicked the weapons over the edge.

"Wait! No—!" Branch objected.

But it was too late, making him groan.

"Oh man. By the way, I widdled those for hours," he said.

"Man, now I know why you had me collecting the sticks. Our hard work: gone," Jamie groaned then added, "And I can't get them all back with my hair unless I want a migraine."

"Don't worry about it," Branch told her.

"Branch, Jamie, the only weapons we need is this guy and this guy," Poppy said while flexing then added cheerily, "For hugs!"

"Uh, you may want to take a look at this," Biggie pointed out.

They all looked to see what was left of a different troll village. It was in complete shambles, shocking the four trolls.

"This is gonna take a lot of hugs," Branch said.

"Uh huh," Jamie nodded.


A/N Oh man. Crazy stuff, huh?

P.S. Don't worry. I'm posting a little more tonight. It'll just take me a minute to add more. I'll let you guys know when I'm done for the day.

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