Chapter 5: Conflicted

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After Jamie and Branch talked with Peppy of what to do, they went to their bunker when it was almost dark.

"Okay. We need to make sure everything is here and accounted for for the others. Okay?" he said, got no response, then called, "Jamie?"

He turned to see her looking at herself in the mirror as she put on the necklace Branch gave her: the one that used to belong to his grandma.

(A/N Reminder (if you haven't read Part 2, you may not understand this))

(A/N Reminder (if you haven't read Part 2, you may not understand this))

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After putting it on, she hugged herself and just looked upset.

"Jamie, what's wrong?" Branch asked as he hugged her from behind.

Jamie put her arms on his and answered, "I can't help but feel conflicted about what Dad and Poppy said."

"You think Poppy might be right?" he asked.

"I mean, what if there's a chance that Barb really does wanna reunite the world for the trolls to live in harmony? I mean the 'Under Rock' part sounds suspicious, but she's a hard rock troll," she replied.

"I hear you, but the whole reason the trolls were divided was because of their differences. Barb doesn't seem to like that by the sound of 'Under Rock'," Branch pointed out.

"Yeah. I just can't seem to decide which one's right," Jamie said.

He smiled gently, cupped her face, kissed her forehead, then assured, "Don't worry, Angel. I know you'll do the right thing."

"Thanks, baby. I love you," she told him.

"I love you too," he responded.

They hugged, but Branch frowned slightly, feeling he hasn't done anything to prove his love for Jamie. When they parted, he plastered the smile on his face before walking away to make sure everything was in order. When he was out of sight, Jamie packed a quick overnight pack, wrote a note, left it on the bed, and looked at the bunker.

"I hope this is right," she whispered before leaving.

When Branch got back, he saw the note on his bed. He picked it up and read it.

You're right. I should take precautions about what Barb wants to do. And knowing my sister, she will most likely want to go and talk with her. If she is, I'm going to see if I can help and protect her. I'm sorry for this, but I know, in my heart, you understand that I would do something like this.
Love you,

He was a little surprised, but then sighed.

"Of course I know you would, Angel. That's why I need to talk you out of it," Branch said, prepared a pack of his own, and followed his wife.


A/N Oh snap!

By the way, for those who haven't read Part 2, the necklace in the pic was from my grandmother that I converted to a choker. She has been gone for 2 1/2 years and I'm blessed with the time I had with her. Just to let you know. Alright, back to the story.

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