Chapter 21: Help is on the Way

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Biggie ran as fast as he could back to Pop Village with Mr. Dinkles in his arms.

"Everyone! Everyone! We're back!" he announced once there.

But he gasped when he saw it in shambles. But then his friends came out of their hiding places.

"Biggie!" Guy Diamond called.

"Hello Biggie!" Satin yelled.

"You wouldn't believe it! We were attacked by Barb and and her barbarians!" Guy Diamond informed.

"She took everyone to Volcano Rock City! It was scary!" Tiny Diamond added, leapt into Guy Diamond's hands then requested, "Rock me, Daddy!"

Guy Diamond obeyed.

"Mm. That's nice," Tiny Diamond smiled.

Biggie looked around the village, knowing what he had to do.

"I shouldn't have left them. They wouldn't have left me. Never, no matter how scared they were," Biggie replied, faced his friends then told them, "I've got to go back."

"We're coming with you, Biggie" Legsly said then added, "We gotta go save our best friends."

"But how? We'll never make it past security," Smidge groaned.

"We'll overpower them with muscle!" Tiny Diamond exclaimed and flexed his tiny muscles.

"Or we could overpower them," Satin started then she and Chenille said, "With fashion!"

They then got to work on making their own outfits. They did so, even when Chenille pricked her finger and Biggie and Tiny Diamond fainted from the sight of her blood.


A/N Short one. Sorry. But the other ones are still getting there.

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