Chapter 9: Symphony Ville

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Once they landed, Poppy and Jamie put on their capes (P-Green, J-Blue) and they all looked around in shock. Branch knelt down and picked up a broken stick from a structure.

"Whoa. Something gnarly happened here," he commented.

"Gnarly and radical," Jamie added on.

"Hello?" a small voice called.

"Who said that? Identify yourself!" Branch commanded, getting in front of Jamie protectively.

"Are you nice or are you mean?" the voice asked.

"We're nice. We're really nice," Poppy answered, signaling Branch to calm down.

"Yeah, but not too nice. So don't even...try it," Branch remarked.

"Babe, I think we're good," Jamie whispered.

Then a woodwind, Little Penny Whistle, appeared.

"Okay," it said then rolled over to Poppy.

Once close enough, Poppy gently picked it up.

"Hi," she greeted.

"What is this place?" Poppy asked.

"It used to be called Symphony Ville," Penny Whistle said before coughing then added, "Where the Classical music trolls lived. But that was in the before."

"What happened here?" Jamie asked, stepping from behind Branch.

"Well, it was the most wonderful place you ever did see. It was a place where all the Classical music trolls could live in perfect harmony. Wherever the conductor lead, we followed. But then Queen Barb showed up," Penny Whistle explained.


The Classical music trolls were enjoying their music when they saw Barb and the anglers behind the conductor, who turned around to see them as well.

"Oh no," the conductor said.

"Sup trolls art dude! I'm here for your string," Barb called.

"We will not go quietly," the conductor remarked.

In response, the trolls played the beginning of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. In response, Barb pretended to be asleep until she jolted up.

"Oh! Oh I'm sorry. I-I must have fallen asleep. Because your music is so boring!" Barb groaned.

The conductor was appalled.

"Where are the words, bro? Right?" she asked then commanded, "Now give me your string!"

The Rock trolls then played their guitars, turning Symphony Ville into shambles. The conductor tried to crawl to his baton, but Barb reached it first.

"No," the conductor pleaded.

Barb broke it and took the string out before leaving with the Rock trolls.

End of Flashback

"She took our string. Our-Our music. She took...everybody. We lost everything," Penny Whistle concluded.

The sisters tried to process this information.

"Barb doesn't want to unite us," Poppy started.

"She wants to destroy us," Jamie finished.

Poppy then gently put the penny whistle back on the ground.

"We need to make sure our own string is safe," Branch said.

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