Chapter 13: Escaping the Country

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Poppy rode on Hickory while Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, and Jamie were on the platform. Jamie turned back to see Clamper about to attack Branch.

"Branch! Behind you!" she yelled.

He then turned around to see Clamper running at him.

"Ahh! This was my Plan C by the way," Branch said then hopped on the platform.

"Charge!" Delta yelled.

The chase continued until Poppy noticed some obstacles.

"Oh no. Hickory!" Poppy said.

"I got it, Queen Poppy," Hickory assured.

"Don't let them get away!" Delta ordered.

They continued until Delta looked at Growly Pete, getting an idea.

"Come on, Growly Pete! Do your thing!" she yelled.

Growly Pete then used his mustaches to grab Branch's ankle and pull him off the platform, but he managed to grab onto it.

"That tickles!" Branch commented.

"Branch!" Jamie panicked.

"Grab onto Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie told him.

He did, but Mr. Dinkles stretched so far back, he would've gone on for a hundred feet. Then Clamper made it to Branch and bit him, making him scream.

"Hey! Get off my man!" Jamie yelled then started to crawl across Mr. Dinkles.

"Jamie! What are you doing?!" Biggie asked in a panic.

"I got this! Just make sure we're on course!" Jamie told him.

He nodded as she made her way toward Branch.

Then Poppy looked ahead to see the edge of a cliff.

"We're not gonna make it!" Poppy yelled.

Jamie made it to Branch when she heard her then got an idea.

"Oh yes we are," Jamie said then grabbed Clamper.

"Jamie, what are you doing?" Branch asked.

"Do you trust me?" she replied.

"Of course," he nodded.

"Then hold on," she smirked.

He obeyed as she used Clamper to chomp off the mustache. They jerked forward, making Jamie drop Clamper and they got to Biggie, Poppy, and Hickory, sending them halfway across the ridge.

"Well, hope Pop trolls can swim," Hickory commented.

They then fell into the river below as the Country music trolls stopped at the edge of the cliff.

"Ah fiddle sticks," Clamper remarked.

"Dangly doodle!" Delta scowled.

Then Mr. Dinkles seemed to be floating into a land of cotton candy clouds with a king that looked like him on the throne.

"Welcome home," it told him.

Mr. Dinkles smiled until he was pulled back into reality and saw Biggie above him.

"Oh Mr. Dinkles, you're alive! For a minute there, I thought you'd kick the bucket," Biggie sighed in relief.

Mr. Dinkles sighed in annoyance.

Poppy, Jamie, and Branch coughed, getting the water out of their systems.

"I'm really glad I came with you," Branch told her.

"Me too," Jamie smiled, taking his hand.

"Yah!" Hickory called then replied as he shook himself dry, "There you are. Whoo! I think we lost 'em. We should be alright."

"Thank you. I don't know how we can repay you," Poppy said then remembered, "Oh yes I do. Gumdrops!"

She then held up some gumdrops up to him.

"Gum what? Oh. Well, thank you," Hickory said, tried one, then responded, "That's gotta zing to it."

"It's not candy time, it's question time," Branch remarked.

Then all their hug timers went off.

"Hug time!" the sisters shouted as they all did so.

"Oh that feels good," Biggie commented.

Branch wriggled free then said, "Why are you helping us?"

His hug timer went off again, but he slapped it to get it to stop.

"What's in it for you?" he continued.

"Branch, you don't need to be rude," Jamie pointed out.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about my associate," Poppy replied.

"'Associate'? He's your brother in-law," Jamie reminded.

"Well, I'll be dipped," Hickory smiled then asked, "How long have you two been together?"

"Almost four years. Married for almost three and a half years," Jamie smiled.

"Now you know our love life. Now enlighten us on why you're helping," Branch said.

"Alright. I love your message about music bringing trolls together. You may be Pop and I might be Country, but trolls is trolls," Hickory answered.

"'Trolls is trolls'," Branch mimicked then commented, "Wow, deep."

"Oh hush," Jamie nudged him teasingly.

"This is the beginning of a partnership between trolls that's going to save ALL trolls!" Poppy exclaimed excitedly.

"Ya darn skippy," Hickory told her, making her giggle.

"Okay. We need to get to the Funk trolls before Barb," Jamie said, interrupting them.

"Right. Well, the quickest way is down that river. I'll build us a raft," Hickory said.

"This oughta be good. Guy probably doesn't know the first thing about building a r—" Branch started.

But Hickory managed to build a really good raft.

"Cappuccino anyone?" Hickory asked.

"Cappuccino? CappucciYES!" Poppy answered.

"Oh!" Biggie exclaimed

"Nice, Poppy," Jamie nudged her playfully, making Poppy blush.

But she dismissed it as Jamie looked at her husband.

Branch sighed defeatedly before saying, "I do want one. But I am not happy about it."

"Don't worry. The coffee you make will always be my favorite," Jamie assured.

Branch managed a smile as he told her, "I'm glad you don't see him as our savior."

"He's okay, but you're right to be cautious around him. I am too, but maybe it's because it looks like he's got a thing for Poppy," she explained as they walked toward the raft.

"You think?" he asked.

"That and vice versa, which I'm kinda shipping," Jamie smirked.

"Jamie, we're being skeptical of him. Not planning Poppy's wedding," Branch pointed out.

"I'm multi-tasking," she replied sassily.

They then boarded the raft.


A/N Captain America: Winter Soldier reference! And I just decided to ship Hickory and Poppy for the heck of it. Thoughts?

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