Chapter 22: Getting In

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Once there, they looked around backstage.

"Quick, come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go," Biggie whispered.

They then tiptoed in the dark, the only noise coming from Legsly's anklet.

"Hey! Stop right there!" a Hard Rock troll demanded, to which the did.

"Legsly, I told you not to wear your anklet," Biggie scolded quietly.

"Only Rock trolls are allowed back here," the Rock troll remarked.

"Well, it's funny you should mention that. 'Cause we are genuine hard rockers," Biggie said.

They then stepped into the light, looking like 70's rockers.

Rainbows, unicorns
Everything nice, yeah
Sugarplums, fairy dust
Everything nice, yeah
Brush your teeth"

It looked like the Rock trolls weren't buying it. But luckily they did.

"Cool. Hurry up. The show's about to start. Queen Barb's about to go on stage," the Rock troll told them.

They gave them some instruments.

"We're screwed," Smidge declared.


A/N I'd be thinking the same thing.

Sorry for the short one again.

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