Chapter 25: No More Strings

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Then the rocks shattered away to reveal a shirtless, tatted, and mullet Branch with glowing red eyes.

"Branch!" Jamie called.

"Rock on!" Branch yelled.

All the Rock trolls cheered in approval.

"Oh sick! It totally works!" Barb remarked.

"Who's ready to get ripping tattoos everywhere except our faces in case we need office jobs? Rah!" Branch smirked.

Jamie started tearing up a bit as she desperately tried to pick her lock.

"You're turning everyone into Rock zombies?" Poppy asked.

"Yep. I can't wait to party with you and Jamie, Poppy," Barb smirked.

Then she did the same thing to the other Troll leaders.

"Rock and roll!" Clamper shouted.

"Dude!" Riff said to himself.

Then Jamie and BJ had just finished picking their locks, opening their doors.

"Got it!" Jamie said.

"Me too!" BJ added.

They started getting out when Barb spotted them.

"Not so fast, Popsqueak. You either, Jamison," Barb told them then Branch, "Hey BoyToy! It's Mullet Time."

"Hide, BJ," Jamie whispered.

BJ obeyed as Branch growled. Then he jerked his neck to the side before shaking his head and using his hair to grab the sisters.

"B-Branch! It's me! Jamie!" Jamie tried to reason.

"No use, Jamison. He's under the control of rock. And soon, you and Popsqueak will be too," Barb said.

She then used the cord to turn Poppy and Jamie into Rock zombies with glowing red eyes.

(A/N Outfit. Same as the cover.)

"Who's ready to party?!" Jamie shouted

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"Who's ready to party?!" Jamie shouted.

"Without smiling?" Poppy added.

"Finish them off," Barb said to them, tossing Poppy the guitar.

Poppy then played a cord, laying and going backward on the floor. Then Poppy tossed it to Jamie, who jumped around and skidded on her knees playing it too. Then she and Poppy pointed it at their dad and some of their friends. But then they winked at them and pointed the guitar at Barb, who was shocked to see their eyes were back to their normal colors.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be Rock zombies," Barb said.

They then unplugged the gumdrops from their ears.

"Gumdrops," Jamie smirked.

"Sound proof and delicious," Poppy added as they ate them.

"They learned that from watching me," Hickory stated with a smile, making Poppy giggle.

"Although, I am digging the look," Jamie said in approval, looking herself over.

"Give me that!" Barb commanded.

"I'm not gonna let you do this to anyone else," Poppy remarked.

"Neither am I. A world where everyone looks the same and sounds the same. That's not harmony!" Jamie added.

"Hey, Barb!" Riff called then pointed out, "Hi. Maybe Queen Poppy and Princess Jamie have a point. If we all look the same, act the same, dress the same, how will anyone know we're cool?"

Barb looked that they did have a point.

"A good queen listens," Poppy replied.

"So does a good princess," Jamie said.

"Real harmony takes lots of voices! Different voices!" Poppy stated.

Both sisters then smashed the guitar, turning everything and everyone grey. Poppy looked down to see she was holding the damaged strings. Branch was back to normal, to the youngest sister's relief.

"Branch!" Jamie yelled, ran into his arms, then said, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay," Branch told her, returning the hug.

Poppy dropped the strings and joined them as Barb went to her knees and held the dissolving strings.

"No. My strings," Barb replied sadly as the strings disappeared.

The couple parted and looked to see Barb turn to them and Poppy.

"What have you done? You destroyed music," Barb remarked then told all the trolls, "Give it up, everybody! Thanks to the queen and princess of Pop, we've all lost our music! History repeats itself; Pop has ruined everything."

All the trolls bowed their heads in sadness, believing they would never play or hear music again.


A/N Well, that happened. But onto one of my favorite songs in this movie.

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