Chapter 20: More Surprises

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Jamie cried as Poppy held her.

"How could Branch not see that he has shown me his love? He doesn't have to prove anything to me," Jamie sobbed.

"I know. It'll take him a little while, but he needs to know that he has shown you as much love as you've shown him," Poppy comforted.

"Yeah. And I'm sorry for being split on what you and Branch want. It's just that I wanted to see if you were right and be realistic about it," Jamie apologized.

"It's fine. I should be like that. See the bright side, but also have a plan for if it doesn't go the way I want it to. And I'm sorry too," Poppy told her.

Jamie smiled then felt this strange sensation throughout her body.

"Uh, Poppy?" Jamie called, getting her to look at her, then said, "I think another reason to love is coming."

"What do you mean?" Poppy asked.

"I think I'm having a baby," Jamie said.

"What?!" Poppy exclaimed.

Then an egg popped out of Jamie's hair and it hatched to reveal a red troll, like Jamie, who had black hair, like Branch.

(A/N Pic of the little guy (I know the hair color looks brown, but I used black).)

"I will make you proud,I will make you have faith in me,I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past!" he sang as he lowered himself into Jamie's hands

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"I will make you proud,
I will make you have faith in me,
I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past!" he sang as he lowered himself into Jamie's hands.

"Oh my gosh! He's so cute!" Poppy gushed.

"Yeah. Just like his father," Jamie said with a sad smile.

"Yo Mom! Yo Aunt Poppy! So what do you call me?" the little troll asked.

"I think BJ. Branch Jamie. My name is transgender," Jamie answered.

"Alright, BJ it is," BJ smiled.

Then the two sisters and small troll saw Hickory come out.

"Poppy. Jamie. There you are," he said, galloping over to them.

"Hickory!" Poppy exclaimed then said as she hugged him, "It's so good to see you."

"Yeah," Jamie smiled.

"Mom, who's he?" BJ asked.

That's when Hickory saw him.

"Well, I'll be dipped. You just have this little feller?" Hickory asked.

"Yeah. Literally just did," Jamie smiled.

"Where's Branch?" Hickory asked.

Jamie sighed sadly and answered, "We had a fight; he's gone. He's heading back to Pop Village."

"That's a shame," Hickory told them.

"We were so desperate to be a good queen and princess that we didn't listen to anyone but ourselves," Poppy said.

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