Chapter 6: The String Quest

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Jamie walked a little ways until sure enough, she found Poppy with the creature in front of a balloon.

"Oh look how cute you are! Barb is gonna love your new look!" Poppy gushed.

"Wow," Jamie commented aloud.

Poppy jerked around and her eyes widened.

"Jamie. What are you doing here?" Poppy asked innocently, trying to hide the now pop-looking puffball.

"I'm here to help you on your little quest I knew you were planning on attempting," Jamie answered.

"What? A quest? Who says I'm planning a quest?" Poppy asked innocently.

"Ooh! Poppy's busted!" the balloon smirked.

Poppy groaned.

"Apparently, your balloon friend," Jamie smirked then said to the balloon, "Thank you."

"No prob, J," the balloon returned.

Jamie then looked back at Poppy and told her, "Look, I can't stop you from doing this. But you can't stop me from coming with you. I'm coming in case either you or Dad are right."

"Fair enough," Poppy shrugged with a smile then told the creature as she handed her the letter she wrote, "Tell Barb we look forward to helping her plan the world's biggest party."

"Poppy? Jamie?" Branch's voice sounded.

The girls screamed at that.

"What are you two doing?" he asked, even though he knew.

"Uh, nothing," Poppy said nervously.

"Ooh! Poppy's double busted!" the balloon smirked.

"Shh!" Poppy shushed it.

"Thank you for not including me into that," Jamie thanked the balloon.

"No prob again, J," the balloon said.

"Going out to meet Barb? Into enemy territory?" Branch asked Poppy then added to Jamie, "And you were gonna join her?"

"I wrote you a note," Jamie said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with this," he told her.

"But Barb's not the enemy. She's a queen; same as me," Poppy defended.

She then sent the little puffball off to fly back to Barb.

"Bye-bye, little bat," the balloon said.

"Your dad just told us Queen Barb was bad news," Branch told them.

"Well, our dad doesn't know everything," Poppy remarked.

"He knows more about this. You two didn't even know there was a string until this morning," Branch pointed out.

"Neither did you," Jamie smirked.

Branch was caught a little off guard by his wife's comment.

"He may be fine in a world where everybody lives in isolation, but I'm not," Poppy replied.

"And I'm not either. And I know you're gonna tell us we're just looking at this like cupcakes and rainbows," Jamie said to her husband then told her sister, "And no offense Poppy, but I'm still not 100% sure you're right. I'm coming to join you with a realistic view."

"I still think you two are being unfair to Barb," Poppy said.

"But we don't know anything about the other trolls," Branch replied.

"We know they're trolls. Branch, look around Troll Village. Everybody's different. Even you and Jamie," Poppy said as she boarded the balloon.

The couple looked at each other then away quickly, blushing. This made Poppy giggle. Then they heard a sneeze.

"Oh. Did you hear something?" Poppy asked.

"Don't try changing the subject," Branch said to his sister-in-law then to his wife, "And don't try tempting me out of this."

This made Jamie blush even more.

"Look, being queen means having a lot of power. And it's my job to use it for good," Poppy pointed out then added, "Jamie and I can't stay home when there's a world full of different trolls just like us."

"I don't think they'll all be like us, Pops," Jamie told her as she got in the balloon.

Poppy shushed her, making Jamie look away.

"Ugh. This is a terrible idea that will most likely blow up in both of your faces," Branch smirked to both sisters.

"Okay bye," Poppy smiled, cutting the balloon free.

"What?" Branch exclaimed.

He crossed his arms, occasionally looking at the girls. Poppy was just waving while Jamie looked all cute for him. Eventually, he sighed defeatedly and used his hair to swing his way up to the balloon.

"And I guess I'm coming with you two," Branch smiled.

"Oh thank you. I really didn't want to go when Jamie's gonna give me one of her sister lectures," Poppy said.

"And yet, Branch was just doing that to you," Jamie replied, crossing her arms.

Poppy just shrugged.

"But at least we know he can't resist me," Jamie smirked as she hugged Branch.

He smiled and hugged her back, telling her, "You're right."

"Road trip!" the balloon exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Poppy cheered.

Once they were out of sight, Cooper came out of the shadows, wondering if what they said was true. He went to the secret room to see the scroll with the six troll ancestors.

"They are all different. A-And this one looks a little bit like me," he said about the tall one, a small leaf landed on its head, making him gasp then exclaim, which echoed, "We even have the same hat!"

He then ran to his place and packed things he would need for his journey, even replacing his hat with one that was similar. He put his cape on and left, but looked back to his home.

"Goodbye. I hope I see you again, friends. But even though it's scary, I-I have to go out there and see if there are trolls like me," Cooper said.

He then turned around and took the first step, but it resulted in him tripping.

"Oh man, this is gonna be hard," Cooper commented.


A/N Two journeys with different reasons. Fun.

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