Chapter 23: All the Strings

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Other Rock trolls then dragged Poppy and Jamie to two separate cages.

"So Popcorn, and Jamison, is being my best friends everything you could've ever dreamed of?" Barb asked as they were tossed into the cages and locked in.

"I am not your best friend," Poppy snapped.

"And Poppy asked for me," Jamie pointed out.

"You don't need to be embarrassed. I get it. Being queen can be...kinda lonely. There's all this pressure to be a great queen. And instead of real friends, you're just surrounded by people who just tell you what you wanna here," Barb explained then pointed out, "You know, other than your terrible taste in music, and clothing, and general lifestyle, we're the same."

Poppy looked like she disagreed, but then Jamie chimed in.

"You're right," she said.

"Huh?" Barb questioned.

"We are the same. We love the kind of music we were born into. But I'll tell you this: before this journey, I only knew and loved pop. Then starting it out, I grew to love country, smooth jazz (even though it was used for the wrong reasons), funk, yodeling, and even rock. We may have been born into one music, but does that mean we should listen to only one music?" Jamie explained.

Barb looked really taken back and convinced by what Jamie had to say.

"Uh, yeah. That's how it's always been," Barb answered like Jamie's speech didn't matter.

"Well, that didn't work," Jamie commented.

"The only thing that makes us the same is that we want to unite the world," Barb told them.

"You don't wanna unite the world. You want to destroy it," Poppy exclaimed.

"Nuh-uh. No way. No. I don't know who told you that. Music has done nothing but divide us. Now that I have the final string, I can make us one nation of trolls under rock," Barb responded.

She then attached the Pop string to the guitar, it singing its last notes before going from pink to red. Barb then held the guitar with a proud laugh.

"What are you gonna do?" Jamie asked.

"Play the ultimate power cord and then, you'll see," Barb smirked as she was brought down to the stage.

Then BJ came out of Jamie's hair and asked, "What are we gonna do, Mom?"

"We gotta get here. Can you fit through there and pick Aunt Poppy's lock?" Jamie said.

"I can try," BJ nodded.

"Alright, but do it without being seen," she instructed, handing him a couple of bobby pins.

"Got it," he nodded then slipped through the bars to get to work.


A/N Go BJ! I love him to death!

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