Chapter 4: The Strings of Music

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Peppy led the main group to a secret cave in Pop Village.

"It's a story as old as time," Peppy began, cleared his throat, then continued as he unrolled a scroll, "In the beginning there was silence."


"Until one day, someone made a sound. Our ancestors were so inspired by the sound, they took six strings. And those six strings had the power to control all music. They could play anything: Techno, Funk, Classical, Country, Hard Rock, and Pop. And every kind of music in between. There was something for everyone; it was one big party. But little by little, the other trolls became intolerant of each other's music. They fought what kind of music the strings would play. The elders realized there was but one solution. Each tribe would take a string and go their separate ways. Those six tribes have lived in isolation ever since: Techno, Country, Rock, Classical, Funk, and us, the Pop trolls," Peppy concluded.

"Now Barb's announcement makes sense. She wants to reunite the strings so the troll world can be one big party again!" Poppy deduced.

"Wait. That's all you heard? 'One big party'?" Branch asked.

"Yeah. It's when all the trolls lived in harmony. And what's more important than living in harmony?" Poppy said.

"Well, I heard fighting. The strings together lead to fighting," Branch replied.

"I think Branch and Dad are right, Poppy. I would love for this to mean living in harmony, but I think we should take precautions in case it's not," Jamie told her sister.

"Exactly, Branch and Jamie. That's why we need to keep our string safe," Peppy told them.

He then parted the shimmery fall to reveal a harp with only one pink string. The others stared at it in awe.

"Behold, the Pop music string," Peppy stated.

He strummed it and it let out a sparkly heart with harmonization.

"It's beautiful," the sisters said.

"And powerful. Which is why we can't let it fall into the wrong hands," Peppy replied.

"And we won't. Not on my watch. What we need is a plan," Branch remarked.

"Don't worry. I've been preparing for this day for years," Peppy smirked then said, "We run."

"'Run'?" Poppy questioned.

"And hide," Peppy added.

"On it," Branch said as he got in camo attire and mud.

"He's still so cute when hiding away," Jamie giggled to herself.

"We don't even know what we're running and hiding from," Poppy stated.

"We're hiding from Barb and all the other different trolls," Peppy said.

"You're assuming the worst about someone you've never even met," Poppy remarked.

"You're not listening to him, Poppy," Jamie told her.

"And he's not listening to me," Poppy pointed out.

"I'm your father," Peppy said.

"And I'm the queen," Poppy threw back.

"Uh, Father trumps Queen. Now there's no time to debate this. Let's go. Come along, Branch. You too, Jamie," Peppy said.

Branch and Jamie gave her apologetic looks as they followed Peppy.

"We're all trolls! Differences don't matter," Poppy said.

So she decided to take matters into her own hands.


A/N Oh man! That's always fun.

P.S. Personally, I think I would be a Pop troll. What troll do you think you would you be?

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