Chapter 12: Jail Time

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They were then locked up in a cell.

"Now I want you four to sit in here and think about what you've just done. That was a crime against music," Delta remarked.

"Wait. No. We're here to warn you about Barb, the queen of Rock," Poppy said.

Delta scoffed then replied, "Sweetie, I already know and have heard about this Queen Barb and her fancy world tour. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go clean what you call music out of my ears."

Poppy gasped quietly as Delta walked away.

"Ho ho! You in real trouble now, right Aunt Delta?" the little troll in Delta's hair, Clamper, remarked.

"Keep an eye on them, Growly Pete," Delta said.

"Yeah!" Clamper exclaimed.

"Growly growly growly growl," Growly Pete responded.

"No! No! Music should bring us together! Not divide us!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Poppy! Give it up! She's made up her mind," Jamie remarked.

"Sugar," Poppy stomped her foot.

"Well, I knew it. 'Who Let the Dogs Out?' Too far," Branch said.

"Okay, Branch. You can tell us, 'I told you so.' I know you want to. Especially me since I've considered the risks and still wanted to go," Jamie remarked as she sat on a bench and Poppy went to the other side.

Branch sighed, sat by her, and told her, "You did great out there, Jamie."

She managed a smile and said, "Thanks. You did too."

"Thanks. And I'm sorry I haven't been as supportive as a husband should be. It's just I'm used to following my gut and it's telling me we should be careful," he explained.

"You don't need to apologize. I've almost always wanted to jump into things like Poppy. But you've taught me that being cautious is also good. That night when the Chef Bergen attacked, I only went to the party to make sure the trolls would be safe," Jamie said then teased, "But at least I didn't do it on a birthday, wedding, or funeral."

"Ha ha, very funny," Branch rolled his eyes with a smile then nudged her.

She did it back, making them chuckle. Then they looked back at each other with love and were about to kiss when Mr. Dinkles got in the way. He squeaked, making them part.

"I'll never survive the big house! We've got to get out of here!" Biggie freaked out.

"I know. That was such a rad medley. I can't believe it didn't work," Poppy groaned.

"Yeah. I'm more fond of 'Gangnam Style' myself," Jamie added.

"Tell me about it. I did the splits. Nobody even clapped. Am I not cute anymore? Come on!" Biggie ranted.

"Maybe Dad was right; the other trolls are different in ways I was not prepared for. Some trolls, they just don't wanna have fun," Poppy said.

"Anybody got a Plan B?" Biggie made Mr. Dinkles ask.

"Plan B? Right up here," Branch answered, pulled out some shovels, then said, "Step 1: Escape from Lonesome Flats."

"You have a plan for everything, don't you?" Jamie smirked.

"Maybe. Maybe not, Angel," Branch said with a smirk of his own.

Then he and Biggie, with Mr. Dinkles, began digging through the ground.

"Plan B it is. I guess we're going home," Poppy sighed while sitting in front of the door.

Jamie joined her, put a hand on her shoulder, and said, "It's the right thing to do. I know it may be confusing to which side I'm on, but I just want to see both sides of the situation."

"I know, but sometimes you need to pick a side, J. I wish you did so I'm not torn about my plan," Poppy told her.

"Believe me, you're not the only one torn when it comes to plans and decisions," Jamie replied.

"Whoo-nelly!" someone shouted.

Then a rope wrapped around the door and yanked it off, sending the girls back. They looked to see a Country music troll standing outside the cell.

"It ain't right to put ya in jail 'cause your music's different. Seems folks 'round here don't appreciate a rad medley when they hear one," the cowboy said, winked, then suggested, "Let's skedaddle."

"Yes! Mission back on!" Poppy yelled.

"Uh guys, you can stop rescuing us," Jamie called, making the guys stop.

When Branch looked to see the scene, he was immediately skeptical.

"Poppy, you don't even know who this is," Branch pointed out.

"I'm Queen Poppy and this is my sister, Princess Jamie. What's your name?" Poppy asked.

"Name's Hickory," the Country music troll answered.

"Branch, this is Hickory. Hickory, this is Branch," Poppy introduced.

"Enough with the formalities! Let's go!" Biggie urged then added, "This is Mr. Dinkles by the way."

"Okay, now that roll call is done, can we get going?" Jamie suggested.

"You're right, darling. Let's skedaddle," Hickory remarked.

"Don't call my wife, darling. Only I can," Branch grumbled.

Then they took off, but not without being seen.

"Go get 'em, Clamper!" Delta commanded then sent Clamper after them.


A/N Aww Branch, I'm touched. Now on to escape!

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