𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 ☪︎ 𝘰𝘯𝘦

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i made an edit of zenitsu and it got a good amount of views and now i've just fallen for him completely,, so i've decided to make a fanfiction for my little cry bby

*all icons edited by me

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

"read me one of your stories!" the seven year old demanded. "story! story! story!" she chanted.

"okay okay, but promise me you'll go to bed?" he asked as y/n nodded.

"it all began when i was younger, maybe 15 or 16 and my father, your grandfather, had showed me a game board. when i found it in the attic, i went downstairs so i could ask him if he wanted to play, but i found him dead on the floor." he paused.

"thats a sad story! i don't wanna have nightmares!" his daughter exclaimed.

"oh but sweety it gets better! just let me finish." he told her.

"so i didn't have any friends at the time and i really wanted to play it, so i did. once i opened the board game, i took the character pieces out of the plastic bag as well as the dice.

i started playing it, rolling the dice and moving my pawn. i got tired then guess what i did?" ubuyashiki asked as y/n just looked at him. "yeah thats right, i stopped playing!" he said with excitement.

"then the night after that, i went back upstairs to play once more because i thought that i could play with the other pawns, but when i got back to the attic, the opposite pawn had moved.

i didn't know how and i didn't question it. but then it started talking to me." y/n now looked up with a confused face. "huh?" she asked.

"i knew it was a ghost, but i didn't want to believe it. the ghost started talking to me, giving me compliments and one time, i felt her brush her arm on mine."

y/n gasped. "really?! seems scary! woooo wooooo waaaa ill eat you alive kabooya!" she made noises as she moved her hands around. "wait, your name is kagaya...bwahaha." she corrected herself. "okay continue."

"okay, so...this one night, we started talking about random stuff and her voice. oh her voice, it made me fall in love with her."

"but you dont know what she look like!" she exclaimed.

"of course i know what she looks like...why do you say that?" he asked.

"i thought all ghost were invisible..." y/n stated, as she looked into her father's eyes.

"no y/n..." he chuckled, "ghosts are spirits that are in another body." he told the girl as she nodded.

"i left the board game in the attic if you ever want to play. one day you'll fall in love with a ghost! sounds cool right?" he asked.

y/n laughed, "a ghost?! i want to fall in love with a prince! you'll never catch me dating a ghost!" y/n exclaimed.

"hmm, we'll see about that princess." kagaya told her daughter as he tucked her in bed, kissing her on the forehead. "goodnight, sweet dreams."

"goodnight, love you!" y/n smiled widely.

"i love you more." kagaya stated as he closed the door to y/n's room.

nine years later

y/n had to bury her father on your own. she didn't have any family members left except for her so called uncle who hated her father with a passion.

her siblings were across the world and couldn't help out with planning a funeral. so the h/c haired girl buried his body by herself.

hinaki was the only one who stayed in touch with y/n, but couldn't attend the funeral.

she cried for a while, since it was the death of the only 'family member' she had left.

"why..." she blew her nose. "damned disease." she cried once more as she walked into her house, which she was living in by herself as of now. she walked into the bathroom to throw away her tissue and wash her hands thoroughly.

she was underage to live on her own, but no one would know. thankfully, her father paid off his mortgage before his death, so she didn't have to worry about that.

she pulled the latter down and climbed into the attic to grab empty boxes when she noticed a game board laid out in the middle of the wooden floor.

she picked it up and glanced at it, remembering the stories her father used to tell. "i don't believe in ghosts." she tch as she threw the box of the board game on the floor, making it open without her knowing.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

first chapter. donee.

no,, this isn't based off my dream... jk it is

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