𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 ☪︎ 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦

874 49 33


"i forgot!" y/n shouted back at her mother. "and he's not 'that baby' HIS NAME IS ZENKOU! PUT SOME RESPECT ON HIS NAME!"

"how the fuck do you forget being pregnant?!"

"i didn't forget being pregnant you old hag! i just forgot to tell you!"

"what did you just call me?!"

y/n groaned, "nothing!"

"y/n, you delivered that-zenkou, eight months ago!"

"i mean... i was gonna tell you at the wedding, but being pregnant made me lose my memory."

"no it didn't you liar!"

"okay okay, i forgot okay?! i apologize mommy." y/n stated.

"hm... i guess i can forgive you. and by the way, zenitsu been told me."

"you old f-" y/n's sentence was beeped by her mother hanging up on her.

"mommy mad?" her eight month son, zenkou asked, which had y/n in shock.

"y-you, just talked..?!" she asked as she nodded.

"oh my- ZENITSU GET DOWN HERE, YOUR SON JUST SAID MOMMY!" y/n shouted as zenitsu came running down the stairs, almost slipping since he just came out of the shower.

"woah, you look hot." y/n was practically drooling as her husband only wore a towel, covering his below area.

"you really think so?!" he asked as his wife nodded. "awww! you're hotter than me y/n-chan."

him and these horrifics...

"so what happened?

"he said mommy!"

"but he's only a couple months... why didn't he say daddy yet? i'm jealous..." zenitsu admitted.

"it's okay." y/n hugged zenitsu's bare chest. "were you this advanced when you were younger?"

"yeah, but... he's not a ghost like me, remember?"

"uh huh! how would you explain him talking at this age?!"

"he's probably smart because of his beautiful mother."

"his mo- oh that's me!" y/n smiled.

"can you say dada?" zenitsu bent down, his towel almost slipping off.

"you better tell dada to keep his towel on unless he wants to give you a sibling!" y/n said in a childish voice.

"mommy wants baby with he!" the blond haired baby pointed at his almost identical twin.

"that would be nice. isn't that right zenkou?" zenitsu agreed.

"ya!" zenkou shouted as he giggled.

"don't tell him that!" y/n lightly pushed zenitsu, which made him slip and fall, revealing his manlyhood.

he giggled, "oops."

"cover your eyes, kou!" y/n shouted as she hugged her child close to her.

"we have the same thing!" zenitsu said as he got up and hugged the two.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

zenkou drunk his cup of water as his mother told him a story before he went to bed. "really?! i wanna be a hero too!" the five year old shouted as he hugged his mother.

"no... i wanna be your hero, mommy! and i wanna protect you!" he corrected his sentence.

"you are my hero kou. you were my hero when you came into this world."

"well, you brought me into this world right? so that makes you the hero! no fair!" he pouted, having his father's hair and eyes, but a hint of her facial structure and features.

"well. just know, you're my hero and don't tell daddy but..." she leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"you're my favorite hero." she ruffled his hair as she tucked him into bed.

"good night zenkou." she kissed his forehead and reached to turn off the lamp.

she walked over to close the door.


y/n looked back, "yes?"

"can you leave the door cracked?" he asked.

"of course. good night." she said as she cracked the door and walked into the shared bedroom of herself and zenitsu.

when she walked in, he was sound asleep. his arms and legs were spread all around the bed.

"oh god..." y/n sighed as she moved his body over to his side.

"y/n-chan! stop pushing me!" he shouted as he clinged onto the female.

"zenitsu, it's hot! get off of me!" she whisper-shouted.

"you're hot..." he stated as he kissed her neck.

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