𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 ☪︎ 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘹 / 𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦

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"mommy, that girl is calling for you." zenkou stated as y/n and said boy were about to walk on the cross walk.

y/n looked back and seen mitsuri waving with obanai and their child.

zenkou kept licking his ice cream as mitsuri pointed forward and shouted. y/n gave a look on her face as a huge company truck she as zooming and wasn't slowing down.

zenkou finally looked up from his ice cream but suddenly dropped it and shouted, which finally made y/n look forward.

he pushed y/n out of the way slightly, his fragile body getting hit by the truck and being thrown into a nearby brick building.

y/n on the other hand, nearly got her legs crushed, but that didn't matter, she just wanted to be with her son.

"god my ankles..." she looked to see a body that belonged to her son.

"obanai call the ambulance! y/n, zenkou!" mitsuri cried as her daughter hugged onto her father's leg in worry.

"zenkou!" she shouted as she ran to her son. "where's my phone?!" she panicked as her purse was thrown somewhere nearby.

"someone call the fucking ambulance!" y/n shouted, she then saw the color black and passed out.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

her eyes shot open. "was it just a dream?" she asked as she touched her head.

she then looked around the room and it was unfamiliar.

she was in a hospital bed, in a hospital room. "shit."

y/n got up out of the hospital bed and walked out of the room.

"ma'am, you need to re-"

"where's zenkou?" she interrupted the nurse's sentence.

"you hit your head pretty hard, you need to la-"

"where's my fucking son?!" she repeated more sternly.

"just lead her to the room her child is in." a male said.

"agatsuma zenkou correct?"

y/n nodded.

"r-right this way." she led y/n to a room on the children's floor.

she rushed into the room when she noticed zenkou on the hospital bed and zenitsu sitting on a chair, hugging a pillow in which he cried in.

"h-how is he?!" y/n cried as she ran into zenitsu's arms, almost collapsing.

"you n-need..." zenitsu hiccuped. "to rest y/n..."

"shut u-up! i'm fine! is he alive?! of course he is..." y/n pulled away from zenitsu to look at her child.

"mr. agatsuma... um... zenkou has a crushed skull and he's not able to breathe properly."

"w-what? what... did you just say?" y/n asked.

"i'm so sorry for your lost..." the doctor stated.

the monitor which was connected to zenkou was a red straight line which let out a long beep.

y/n's mouth was wide open as she turned on her heel to look at zenitsu, who had dry tears on his face.

"y/n-chan!" he cried into y/n's arms as she cried as well.

"it's all my fault. my son isn't here because of me. because of my slow reflexes. because he was so observant than me." she cried. "you'll always be my hero zenkou. it should've been me..." y/n cried.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

"where am i?" zenkou asked as he was in a place which was very unfamiliar.

cool, am i in outer space?! no. of course it wasn't outer space, but it did had some similarities.

"my name is xi. you are in universe z, as you've passed away." a non-binary adult stated whom had long white and black hair which was separated by their left and right side, as so did their eye color. the left side was white and the right was black.

"passed away? im not alive anymore?" zenkou asked.

"yes. you are granted a second chance in life. would you like to take it?"

"huh? is my mommy and d-daddy okay?"

"you are granted a second chance in life. would you like to take it?"

"uhm... you already a-"

"you are granted a second chance in life. would you like to take it?"

"y-yes please." zenkou responded.

"very well. your soul will fall from the clouds as you will be greeted by father kuwajima and you two shall proceed from there." xi stated.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

zenkou then appeared into the clouds, floating in mid air.

he walked over to a short old man with white hair who was seated on a throne.

"are you himawara?" zenkou asked.

"kuwajima lad." the old man corrected as he pressed his cane on zenkou's chest.

"you must be zenitsu's son, you two look exactly alike."

he then pushed the boy out of the clouds in which he was falling. and falling.

and continued to fall.

he fell for about two minutes until he jolted up and breathed heavily.

"c-can we visit your father today y-y/n-chan..?"

"do you hear that zenitsu?" y/n asked, ignoring his question. "i hear heavy breathing."

"it's probably from all the crying i'm doing..." zenitsu responded.


y/n's eyes shot open. "zenkou!" she rushed to the bed.

"oh my god, you're invisible... you're a ghost!" she shouted as she hugged the boy.

"i went to outer space! it was so cool!" he hugged them both close.

"i promise i'll protect you more okay?" she told him.

"i'm your hero, right mommy?" he asked as y/n looked into zenitsu's brownish-orange orbs.

she then looked back at zenkou. "yes. you're my hero."

"w-what about m-me..?" zenitsu sniffed.

y/n wiped away her tears, "and you're my ghost."

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