𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 ☪︎ 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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y/n looked back to notice that the game board was now open. "should i?" she asked herself.

she then looked up and thought about what her father would say. she sighed in defeat.

she then walked over and turned the lightbulb on and sat on a cushion.

y/n took the pawns out and set the game up. she then look over to her left and right to see if anyone was there, which there wasn't.

she took out the princess pawn, since it was a fantasy board game, and put it on the start and rolled the dice.

she moved six spaces, since that's what the dice told her to do. she sat for a couple minutes to see if the 'ghost' would come early, which it didn't.

she sighed. not surprised.

the h/c haired female turned off the light bulb and closed the door, walked down the latter, and pulled the latter back up.

she prepared to get ready to go to bed. due to a family member passing, she had a choice not to go to school, which she was very pleased. she lived in a house under a random relative.

y/n wasn't considered the lonely type, but she doesn't talk to much people at school except for her crush, kamado tanjiro, who she thinks will never love her back.

it's more like a one sided love, in her case.

(i'm aware i've made tanjiro a little ooc in this book, but it only made sense for the reader to catch feelings for him.)

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

after eating and taking a shower, she walked to her bedroom to go to sleep.

life is such a drag. she thought as she soon drifted off to sleep.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

she woke up early in the morning and looked at her phone and noticed she had two miss calls from tanjiro, she groaned.

she called him back, picking up at the first ring.

"hi y/n! um...i'm sorry about what happened to your father. how are you?" he said in a apologizing tone.

"it's fine, i'm doing okay." she responded, yawing. "ehh...imma have to call you b-back." she said, not even giving the boy time to respond as she pressed the big red button.

he doesn't even care about me. who knows why he's putting on an act.

y/n got up and made herself breakfast then brushed her teeth and washed her face.

she was then curious about the 'ghost' that was upstairs in the attic.

when she let down the latter, she noticed the light already turned on. she was startled a bit, she could have sworn she turned it off when she left.

she then walked in the attic, noticing her cushion was still in the same spot, but a pawn of a prince was now moved four spaces.

"h-hello?" she cursed herself for stuttering. "anyone there?" she asked once more.

no reply.

she walked towards the door, getting ready to leave the attic.

"w-wait! don't leave me!" she heard a voice shout, making her scream and loosing her balance.

she was close to falling down the latter when she got her grip and pulled herself up.

"eeee! i'm so sorry i didn't help you! i was scared!" the voice said again, frightening her. the girl was already backed up against a nearby wall.

"i'm zenitsu! and you're...y/n-chan right?!" he asked excitedly.


"how do you know me?" she asked, looking to the left, when he was to the right of her, nearby where the board game was.

"sit." was all he said as he plopped down on the floor, as y/n walked over and sat on the cushion. "it's your turn~" he cheered as he held the dice out for y/n to take.

"u-uhm..." she hesitated before grabbing the floating dice. "so zenitsu..." she started, as she rolled the dice. "how do you know me?" she asked.

"i've been living in this attic for seventeen years, and i would hear a man shouting someone's name, so i'm guessing it was the princess herself who was being called for." he giggled.

"so...you're dead right?"

"you can say that, yes..."

"if you're a ghost, then-" she sighed. "how did you die?"

"i-i...i jumped into the ocean years ago." he said. "i was lonely and...b-but now i have you, right y/n-chan?"

she nodded, as she didn't want to say anything to hurt his feelings. it was now zenitsu's turn to roll the dice, which he did.

"are you wearing clothes?" she asked.

"yes...they are specially designed so no one would see me! even though i'm already invisible! stealthy!" he giggled.

"how are you invisible?"

"cursed." he started to sniff. "m/n put a curse on me... i miss her..."

who is m/n? y/n thought.

"so h-" her sentence was interrupted.

"shhh...you talk too much...just enjoy my presence, you cutie." he complimented, making y/n blush slightly.

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