𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 ☪︎ 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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zenitsu finally let y/n leave the attic to go downstairs and get ready. she thought that tomorrow would be her last day then she would go to school, since she didn't want to fall behind.

"awww, see you y/n-chan! come see me tomorrow, yes?" he shouted, almost on the verge of crying.

"i mean, i can't actually see you, but of course i'll come back up." she told the boy as she turned off the light and opened the door.

"y-y/n..?" zenitsu started as y/n looked up in the direction where the voice came from. "can you leave the light on...i'm scared."

"you haven't been scared for sixteen or seventeen years, why are you scared now?" she asked.


"i have only a little bit of money to pay the bills, so deal with it." she told him as she closed the door.

"y/n!" zenitsu called for her again. she groaned and opened the door, "huh?"

he started to tear up, "can you...leave the door cracked?" he asked. "please?" he added.

she groaned again, "i'll do it when i go down." she said as she climbed down the latter.

"one last thing my p-princess!" he said.

she groaned once again. "what now, idiot?" she asked.

"sleep tight!" he told her, making her look in the opposite direction of where the voice was coming from. "y-yeah, thanks..." she said as she climbed down the latter, and instead of pulling it back up to close the entrance, she left the latter down since it was zenitsu's request.

she got ready to go to bed. y/n did everything she was supposed to, except eat.

two days later

y/n woke up to someone banging pots and pans with a wooden spoon. "mmm?" she turned on the other side of the bed to not face the person who was making all that noise.

"y/n honey, wake up, it's time for school." they said. she knew who that voice belonged to.

"f-father!" she shouted, she was now panting and sweating.

"y/n! wake up!" her father said.

"y/n-chan!" she was now awaken as she sat up, but bumped her head into something hard. "oww!" she grabbed her head to ease the pain.

"y/n-chan, i'm so glad you're okay! you were yelling in your sleep, it scared me!" zenitsu tried hugging her chest, but he went through her body.

"i'm fine, thanks." she got up from the bed, losing her balance, since she was a bit dizzy.

"y/n did you drink something you weren't suppose to last night? or did you do the dirty with someone while i was asleep?" he asked from his observations.

"uh...what did you s-" her eyes widen as she stood up straight. "what?! no!" she shouted, covering her face with her hands.

"then why are you embarrassed?" he asked.

"b-because!" she pushed thin air, thinking she was pushing zenitsu out of the way. "why are you even down here?! go upstairs before i beat you!" she shouted.

"oh...is that a kink y/n-chan?" zenitsu wiggled his non existent hips. "you can't even see me!" he sticked his tongue out teasingly.

"n-no! just go fuck yourself already damn it!" she shouted, trying to walk out of her room until zenitsu threw the spoon at her.

"why y/n-chan? isn't that what you're for?" he asked as he tried to wrap his hands around her waist, but he weren't allowed to touch humans yet, so it just went straight through her body.

"we just met! stop being weird!" she shouted as she managed to run out of her own room.

i actually knew you since you were born, but okay my love... zenitsu thought as he walked out of her room as well.

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