𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 ☪︎ 𝘴𝘪𝘹

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zenitsu paced around the attic, "where's my y/n-chan? is she okay? i-i hope nobody took her...no, that wouldn't happen." was the things he were saying.

"why am i here of all places. douma take me home." y/n demanded.

"sorry darling, masters orde-"

"bitch, i'm your master, now take me home." y/n responded angrily.

douma gasped, "y/n! how old are you?! don't say such foul language!"

y/n then tried to cry on purpose, but it wasn't working so she walked up to a nearby door in the house and slammed her pinky in it.

shi- why did i do that?!

she bursted out in tears. "i-i wanna go h-home!" she sat on the couch as she kicked her feet on the floor.

"a-awww...." he said rubbing her back.

"douma quit crying!" a familiar voice stated.

y/n and akaza always had a little beef session going on since he would always ignore her when she was younger.

"oh...hey y/n..."

are you serious? it's now or never.

"take me." she sniffed, "home please...douma is bullying me." she cried into the black haired male's arms.

"when master finds out you've been bullying her, you're gonna be in big trouble." he sighed. "and guess who isn't gonna help you? yeah, me. i'm not gonna help you." akaza stated as he took y/n into muzan's room.

"oh..." muzan started. "he actually brung her here, great."

"can you take me home."

"what for?" muzan asked.

"i want to go home..." she told him.

"you're staying with me, forever. you're not allowed to live on your own anyway." he told the girl.

"b-but um...i have to get some feminine products from home..."

"really now? what kinds of products?"

why are you so difficult?! "i'd rather not say..." she told the male.

"i'll buy you some then." he said as he grabbed his keys. "send me a picture of the kind you want."

"if i had my phone, i would have been left!" she shouted.

"that sounds like a personal problem, dear." he said as he closed the door, making his way over to a nearby drug store.

she walked into the living room. "akaza..." she started as she hung over his shoulders.

"what?" he asked.

"can you take me home?" she asked, "i don't know where i am..."

"our house is literally behind your school..."

"wait, are you serious?" she asked, as she got up from her standing position and ran out the door, zooming.

"why do i need to lie y/n? use your common sen-" he sighed. "wait! get back here!"

"you're really dumb, akaza... let's go put on that dinosaur onesie i brought us." douma stated as he walked into a room. "it will protect us if master muzan hits us in the ding dong with a baseball bat."

"no. it wouldn't..." akaza sighed as he walked into the room to grab his onesie.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

"oh, i didn't know they lived so close..." y/n said to herself.

she began to run home, not looking where she was going, she bumped into someone.

"uh...sorry, i'm in a hu-" she started but interrupted her own sentence when she looked up to see the last person she wanted to see.

"h-hi y-" tanjiro stated, as y/n began running again. "wait! we need to talk! can we please talk, i'm begging you!"

oh so he's begging now? y/n did a full 180 to be met with tanjiro's pretty face once more.

"what? i kinda got somewhere to be..." she told him, giving him a boring glare.

"i'm sorry about inosuke..." he started.

"you could have stopped him, but it's fine."

"is your hand okay?" he asked looking at your hand which was wrapped in bandages.

"yeah, so i gotta go, so maybe we can talk on the phone or something, bye." she said kinda harshly as she began to run.

no, i don't wanna talk to him.

she quickly stopped when she saw muzan's car, she hid in an alley way, so he wouldn't notice her. his window was down and she could see him bopping to michale jackson music.

muzan was about to turn the corner when he thought he saw a girl who looked exactly like you, but thought nothing of it since akaza wouldn't let her escape, or something bad would happen to him, as well as douma for being irresponsible.

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