𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 ☪︎ 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦

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"it's your turn zenitsu..." y/n told said male.

"i just went!" he told her as there was a loud knock on the door.

the h/c haired female walked slowly down the attic and went to the door. "who is it?" she asked.

"the police, open up!"

y/n's heart dropped to her stomach at that moment.

it had only been a couple days from the incident. had tanjiro told on her? possibly.

but will one of his idiotic animal lover with blue hair tell on her? absolutely.

"i'll be back." she told zenitsu.

she walked down the latter and opened the front door, "um...hello..."

"are you ubuyashiki y/n?" the officer who had yellow fading to red hair stated as a man with silver hair with diamonds in it was standing next to him, very flamboyantly.

"yes..." she answered as the two grabbed y/n, picking her up and throwing her into the back of the police car.

"you can't just throw a girl in a car! rape! rape! zenitsu!" she shouted, pounding on the window.

"will you please stop banging on the window?" the cop with yellow hair asked.

"yes, since you asked nicely." she told him.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

sooner or later, the three ended up at the police station.

"is this her?" the cop with white, silverish hair asked as inosuke nodded, tanjiro just stood still.

y/n gave the boy the 'i'm gonna kill you' look as the police officer took her into a room.

"ubuyashiki...this boy says that you stabbed him. is this true?" the officer, who goes by the last name of rengoku, had stated.

"no, sir." she said flat out.

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

rengoku took tanjiro in another room to ask for the full story. he then came back into the room to ask y/n for her point of view of things, which she told the full truth. they said that tanjiro's story sounded more convincing, which sounded very dumb to you.

since inosuke wasn't there, he wasn't asked any questions, so y/n's theory is that tanjiro told inosuke, a inosuke told the police.

"take ms. ubuyashiki to the detention center." the officer with white hair stated, who goes by the name of uzui.

"are you kidding me? i didn't do anything! i'm the one that got stabbed!" y/n showed the officers her right hand.

"where did you get this?" rengoku asked.

"the knife, it appeared out of no where and stabbed me." she partially lied.

shit...that sounded way more convincing in my head.

"now, you're just telling lies. take her in." uzui stated.

"um sir!" tanjiro stated as he stood up ready to talk to the adult. "i would like for you to..."

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

"you get one phone call ubuyashiki. use it wisely." a deep voice stated.

y/n didn't want to call zenitsu, because he wouldn't answer her phone, which was left in her bedroom. and besides, what could he do?

so, she had to call him.

she dialed the number of who she called her 'uncle', but wasn't really sure how they were related.

the phone stopped ringing on the third ring. "my, my, my... look who's finally called..." the voice stated.

"you should be praising me... but anyways... i kinda maybe sorta need you to come pick me up from the detention center." she stated, twirling the wires of the phone.

"now why would i do that?"

"because i'm your...favorite niece..?" she asked, as it was meant to be a statement.

"you are correct about that... maybe i'll come, maybe i won't." he said as he chuckled a bit.

y/n groaned. "just hurry up and make a decision..." she hung up. "dumb bitch..." she mumbled as she walked over to sit down on a nearby bench.

"what puts you in here fine lady?" a male said as y/n looked over to see a boy with white hair and many scars started a conversation with her.

does he not see that i'm- okay...

"excuse me, but aren't you a little too old to be here?" y/n asked.

"look here guys, we have a little brat tryna be smart" the man said as his little buddies came beside him. one with black hair and blue eyes and one also with black hair and heterochromia eyes.

one thing always leads so another.

"so you're ganging up on me because i somehow insulted you? so very immature..."

the male was about to push the girl until the door busted open. oh lord, wHAT IS HE WEARING?! she thought. y/n's jaw dropped dead to the floor.

"STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" one of her uncle's loyal friends shouted.

"this is just embarrassing, i'd rather stay here." she mumbled as the guy who just shouted was wearing a rainbowed colored glittery tuxedo, with shoes to match. he had rainbow colored eyes and silver hair, and a disco ball on his head that was flashing lights.

"oh my dear y/n! did they hurt you?!" he asked, picking said girl up and over her shoulders. "i'll be taking her now, thank you all for being very idiotic and putting her in this hell hole away..." he said as he walked out of the detention center.

"uh...i don't even want to ask..." was all the female asked.

"then don't...dear."

just take me home, i miss zenitsu.

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