8 - Doctor Who crossover

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I was managing the shop, and watching the customers to make sure none were going to consider buying a book, especially my better editions. I don't know what I would do if I were a human and couldn't stop people buying my books with miracles.

Crowley came in. I have always liked it when Crowley comes, he is good company, I love talking to him, and being around him, and the looks he gives me. I like how well I know him, and I feel rather sorry for other angels or demons who don't have a friend as good as Crowley is to me or I hope I am to him. I secretly wish we could be more than friends, but that is never going to happen, and if it did we would get into trouble, so I always have to keep quiet about it.

"Hello Crowley." I greeted him much more fondly than I intended to, but I always do so it has become more of a habit now and I know he doesn't mind. I didn't seem to grab his attention though. "Crowley?"

He looked at me strangely, as if he had no idea who I was. Then I noticed something strange about his appearance, so I said what was on my mind without thinking "you look different, have you been messing around with human hair dye again? What about your eyes, are you wearing contact lenses? Where are your shades?" I asked, this was strange, something wasn't right, "your clothes are different. Are you someone different from downstairs? Have you made another body of the same design?"

Very strange, I thought, something was definitely not right. Then the words came that I still shudder to think about today.

"I'm not Crowley," he said, "and I really don't know what you mean." His voice was the same, not similar, but exactly the same. I raised my eyebrow,

"You're voice is exactly the same." I said, this was too weird, I didn't want this man walking around on the streets in someone else's body, it didn't matter how he had come to be in this body. "Um, would you like to come to the back?" I suggested, rather hoping we would be able to sort this out somehow.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something," he said before turning around to leave. The door had been open, and no other customers were in at that moment so I miracled the door to slam shut and lock itself before miracling handcuffs on the mans hands.

"I'm very sorry," I apologised truthfully, "it's not normally supposed to be me to do things like this but we need to sort this out, whatever this is." I tried to sound confident but accidentally stuttered a little.

"How did you do that?" Asked the man, panicked and starting to raise his voice.

"Please don't panic, I'll get Crowley, and, and it will all be sorted out again." I showed him to the sofa I had in the shop, and he sat down, so I went over to the phone and rang up Crowley.

"Yes angel?" He replied, not that the man could hear,

"Could you come over here please, quickly, a matter has arisen," I realised I sounded quite posh when saying it and knew what Crowley would be thinking about my choice of words.

"Sure, I'll miracle myself over."

"No," I say quickly, "there is a human here." I explained, lowering my voice.

"Oh ok, I'll drive over,"

"Yes, that would be better, thanks, see you soon." I hung up. Then I noticed the man staring at me suspiciously, so I smiled politely; what else could I do? "Uh, well, where are you from?" I asked, attempting to make conversation because if I didn't it could've made him more suspicious.

"Long story, but I might ask you the same thing?" He replied,

"Oh, err," what should I have said? Oh yes, I'm just an angel from Heaven, and I've lived on Earth for the past 6000 years, "long story too."

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