56 (idk)

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"Hello Aziraphale." Gabriel greeted as he entered. It was part of his job to be mean and intimidating to the lesser angels, but he felt a lot in common with the Principality, because they both loved a demon. No one knew about him and Beelzebub but that didn't change the fact he loved them. Of course, even the idea that maybe Gabriel understood what it was like to love a demon hadn't even occurred to Aziraphale, and that was the way it needed to be.

Gabriel always tried to seem very close minded so that other angels and demons wouldn't even think to suspect him of anything traitorous.

"Oh, hello Gabriel." Aziraphale greeted, coming out from a door which lead to the back of the shop. Gabriel could smell a demon, which meant Crowley must be there. He was kind of jealous the way that Aziraphale could be around Crowley now, and no one would say anything. If he could be with Beelzebub all the time he knew he'd never get any work done, but he couldn't anyway because he would lose his role as Archangel and be cast out, and probably fall. There would be no way of falling for Beelzebub, so he shuddered to think what would happen to them. "What can I do for you?"

"Just here to check—" he was cut off though, as flames suddenly exploded in the space next to him and Beelzebub appeared.

"Demon Crowley." They called out sternly. Crowley came out from the same door but stopped and examined the strange situation. Beelzebub noticed the strange look they were given and realised that Gabriel and Aziraphale were there. Gabriel was right next to them. That was nice, they thought. It was quite an awkward situation suddenly. It was funny How coincidences could become so complicated so quickly. Beelzebub took just a little too long to take a step away from the Archangel and pretend to be disgusted by his presence.

"Er, you go first." Gabriel said, breaking the silence. Beelzebub nodded, before turning to Crowley.

"Dagon wants you for failing to give in some paperwork last month, but was too busy to come up personally." They explained, it was surprisingly boring and normal. After another minute or so had passed and it was obvious they had finished, Gabriel spoke again.

"I was just here to check that all your miracles are worth something and aren't just for comfort." He said. Aziraphale had been performing too many frivolous miracles recently.

"Oh, um, ok." He said, it wasn't an answer but he took the hint implied. The four beings stood in an awkward silence for a few minutes, all that could be heard was the ticking clock which Aziraphale didn't even realise he had.

"Well, I should be off." Gabriel eventually said, piercing the silence. "By the way Bee we're still on for tonight right?" He asked, trying to make casual conversation to get away from the silence. He realised he had said Bee instead of Beelzebub but it was too late to change that. He didn't even know why he brought it up in front of anyone in the first place. He was stupid. (he only had half a braincell but Beelz was the other half)

"Course." Beelzebub said, not thinking much of what he had just said.

"Good." He smiled, before leaving using the door.

"Hmm what's tonight eh?" Crowley mocked, although he immediately regretted it when he got a deadly glare from the Lord of Flies.

Beelzebub also left through the door but turned and walked off in the opposite direction, seemingly getting away from Gabriel.

I seriously don't know what this is. Thx for reading though. (Word count: 609)

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