34 (IH part 1)

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Aziraphale was minding the shop, and Crowley was sitting around admiring his angel. He knew how much Aziraphale lived books, he would never understand why he loved books so much, but he did. He had saved his books during World War Two, and had loved seeing his face light up so much. The consecrated ground had hurt a lot though, and his feet had had blisters for at least a month.

He watched as people came and went, not one of them buying a book because Aziraphale didn't want them to. He hissed when he saw one of the humans showing an interest in a nice edition of Shakespeare. He knew his angel would be able to discourage them, but he might as well help now that he was there.

A man took a book off the shelf, and was considering stealing it since it was a first edition, but he suddenly had an urge not to thanks to Crowley. That was a problem with having a shop in the middle of a city. Having it as a personal library would be more suited for Aziraphale's needs, or just having it in a quieter area.

Maybe they should move, so that he could have his library in a safer place. Crowley could move with him, and live somewhere near. Maybe they could be next door neighbours.

Maybe... they could live together.

Yes. They could live in the same house, and Aziraphale could have his library in a room, and he could have a greenhouse for his plants. They could have a garden and spend summer afternoons in it together. They could be together, and have a house together, and be with each other all day every day. He liked that idea.

He liked that idea a lot.

How should he ask? Why not now? They had opened up to each other by now, and it had gone well. They weren't officially together, but they were really. They spent mist of their time together.

He stood up, and walked over to the angel. He took his hand and lead him to the bookshops kitchen which was hidden away from 'customers' view. Aziraphale went with it, comfortable with the demon.

"Do you want to move?" Crowley asked, getting straight to the point, knowing he would never be judged. Aziraphale thought for a second, the question was a big one but the answer was so obvious. He smiled at the demon.

"Where to?" He asked. He knew Crowley knew he agreed to already.

"Dunno... somewhere nice." Aziraphale just nodded, and a few months later they were living down south, in a nice house.

I might do a second part to this tomorrow, and sorry about the shortness but I need to go to bed soon. Anyway thx for reading, but please send some requests if you have any because I'll be happy to do them.
(Word count: 487)

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