10 (IH)

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He watches. He has too. Dagon pinches his eyelids apart so his eyes have no choice but to remain open. He is tied to the chair tightly with rusty iron chains that cut into his skin, and cut off his circulation just enough so that he remains alive but is struggling. But that pain is nothing compared to that made by witnessing what is happening in front of him, which is magnified by his helplessness. He can't do anything about it.

His angel is screaming.
His angel is burning.
His angel is crying.
His angel is hurting.
His angel is dying.

His angel is dying.


He hears his angel's screams flooding the room.
He sees his angel's skin breaking and bleeding, red blood like the hottest red part of the fire.

He feels tears coat his eyes, and stream continuously down his cheeks, dripping off his face, onto his legs and chest. He cries silently because he cannot make a sound. A lump in his throat stopping him.

His angel's screams stop in a matter of seconds; That's how long it takes to burn. But those few, painful seconds felt like hours. He watches as the screams stop and his angel falls down, and lies limp in the center of hellfire. He will be nothing but a pile of dust soon.

The tears continue.

The tears soak his angel's pillow.
"Crowley, wake up" he hears his angel call distantly. His eyes open, and he looks up to see his angel's worried and concerned face. He sits up suddenly and grabs Aziraphale into a tight hug. Tears still drip, but now they are tears of happiness,

His angel isn't screaming.
His angel isn't burning.
His angel isn't crying.
His angel isn't hurting.
His angel isn't dying.

His angel is right here.

Trying a bit of angst, but decided I had to make it a dream otherwise it was too sad lol. Thanks for reading. 10th chapter in 2 days, wow. Pls send requests, thx for reading this far in.
(Word count: 345)

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