25 (IB)

243 11 1

Beelzebub was currently in Gabriel's office.
Beelzebub was currently kissing Gabriel.
Beelzebub was currently pinning Gabriel against his desk.
Beelzebub was currently enjoying the kiss.
Beelzebub currently was not in the mood for being interrupted, which was very unfortunate for the angel currently outside the door about to knock.

Knock knock. The Archangel Michael knocked.
Beelzebub was currently very annoyed. They momentarily pulled away, shouting "Fuck off!" In reply to the knock. They then started kissing the angel again. Unfortunately, Michael decided to ignore them.

"Gabriel, I would just like to say that-" she started, before seeing the sight of the other Archangel and Lord of Flies touching lips. Gabriel pulled away suddenly.

"Ah, Michael, great to see you, we, er, were just..." he attempted, Michael just nodded, and backed out of the room. Beelzebub didn't care so they carried on kissing, and Gabriel was hardly going to refuse now was he?

This is incredibly short, I have an idea for another IB oneshot but it might be bad... oh well I'll do it anyway. I need more ineffable husband ideas though because I'm doing way more IB than IH here... anyway thx for reading. (Word count: 200)

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