9 (IB)

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If you walk the hallways of Hell, then there are dizzyingly long halls winding around infinitely, screams in the distant background, and yet they are so clear. Dark, damp, warm, surprisingly enough, not cold. Comfortingly warm. Hell sounds bad, but it is a demons' favourite place. Beelzebub's favourite place. Sure, there was paperwork, and a lot of responsibility, but with responsibility comes fear and respect, and Beelzebub liked being feared.
Beelzebub liked Hell; Always something going on.

Gabriel hated Hell. Too dirty, dank, it was quite frankly disgusting. The only thing he liked about it was that Beelzebub came with it.
He walked through the halls, being guided by Dagon. He much preferred Beelzebub coming up to Heaven.

"Beelzebub" he greeted as he entered their office, and noticed their point about the paperwork, they really weren't kidding when they said it had been building up. Beelzebub just grunted and continued working through a piece of paper with a very grand fountain pen. Dagon left them alone together in the office, and Gabriel walked over to Beelzebub and ran his hand through their hair hoping to grasp their attention.

Beelzebub looked up, and smiled a small smile, they didn't smile fully often because demons aren't meant to be happy most of the time. But they looked down again to continue their work.
"Got work to do." They mumbled.

"What is it?" Gabriel asked, hoping he might be able to help in some way.

"Just stuff..." they replied, wishing he wouldn't ask. However, Gabriel sensed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Beelzebub stayed silent, "Is it something to do with the paperwork?"

"Err, nothing, it just needs sorting out." They avoided admitting the truth, but Gabriel was glaring at them waiting for the full story, so they sat back and sighed. "I had to be seeming to be doing something, so, err, long story short there was a vote, now I'm expected to organise some sort of invasion to Heaven. I don't want to invade you, because you're there, and, well, I'd rather not have to have a war, too much effort." They explained reluctantly,

"That's a tricky one." Gabriel said helpfully,

"I can work my way around it, it's just taking a while,"

"If you can work around it then don't worry about it," Gabriel suggested, before leaning down and gently kissing Beelzebub on the forehead.

Beelzebub stood up and turned to face Gabriel and kiss him on the lips more tenderly. They were broken up suddenly when Dagon knocked on the door, who yelled;

"Demon, Crowley, says he has something urgent." and Crowley sauntered in to find Beelzebub and Gabriel still quite close together.

"Am I intruding?" He asked, grinning that he might have something to hold against the Archangel and Lord of Flies.

"No." Replied Beelzebub casually. Crowley raised an eyebrow.

"I'll come back later?" He asked, suspicious, and rather hoping something had been happening so that he was embarrassing them.

"Yes." They both said simultaneously. Crowley just raised another eyebrow and left. He did everything in his power to stop himself from chuckling as he left.

It was a bit plotless but I hope you enjoyed it, tysm for reading. Send requests, I might do some more fanart if I can think of anything that I might be able to draw 😂. Also point out any mistakes please.
(Word count: 565)

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